Urban Morphometrics & Analytics Laboratory


はじめに / introduction


研究室名は,「都市形態計測解析研究室」です.英語表記は,'Urban Morphometrics & Analytics Laboratory'です.

Urban Morphometrics & Analytics Laboratory (UMAL) has just been established since April 2024 as a new research unit of the department of civil and environmental engineering, Chiba Institute of Technology (CIT). UMAL is also called 'Usui-ken' because the laboratory's PI is prof. Usui and 'ken' means a laboratory in English. ('ken' also means a dog in English.)

UMAL's mission is doing research and education for measuring, understanding and improving urban space. To this end, UMAL will develop a series of methods for measuring urban space by using geographical information systems (GISystems). UMAL will develop a series of theories for understanding urban space with the aid of mathematics, physics, operations research (OR), geography, economics, urban morphology, geographical information science (GIScience) and artificial intelligence technology (AI tech). Based on our measuring and understanding urban space, UMAL will improve urban space through urban design and policy making. 

UMAL's core research interests are  (1) measuring urban form in a quantitative approach, known to urban morphometrics, and (2) elucidating tangible/intangible urban phenomena and mechanisms, known to urban analytics. Measuring urban form remains one of challenging problems in urban science because urban space is too complex to measure and compute. We therefore need to establish the science of urban form, urban morphometrics, to explore urban analytics and evidence-based urban planning and design.

研究室の近況 / recent activities ※クリックすると過去ログが表示されます


UMAL's research meeting of the winter semester in 2024 will be on Thursdays in the afternoon.  


研究室の構成員 / members


UMAL's members in 2024 academic year are one professor (Dr. Usui) and eight undergraduate students.

学生の研究テーマと指導方針 / how to supervise UMAL's students





Prof. Usui takes enough time to do discussion for understanding students' interests in cities and urban space, and determines each student's research theme. A list of prof. Usui's papers can be seen here.

都市環境工学科の学部三年生向けのQ&A(Japanese only)※クリックすると表示されます


研究室で学びたい学生(学内・学外)・共同研究をご希望のみなさまへ / applicant for UMAL as a student or joint researcher

Prof. Usui welcomes your visiting UMAL. Please contact/email prof. Usui.

Email: usui.hiroyuki [^_^] it-chiba.ac.jp     (Please replace [^_^] with @) 

研究室の場所 / UMAL's address 

郵便番号: 275-0016 
所在地:千葉県習志野市津田沼2-17-1 千葉工業大学1号館16階 1603(教員オフィス),1604(学生研究室)
下記の地図(Google Maps)をご覧ください.キャンパスマップもご覧ください.

zip code: 275-0016
16th floor, building #1, Chiba Institute of Technology, 2-17-1, Tsudanuma, Narashino city, Chiba prefecture
(Please browse Google Maps below.)