The secret of Nasrallah

Even the Israeli military services admit: "He's the first Arab leader to have an ability to influence the Israeli public from the days of Nasser", the Egyptian president of the 60's. He's Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the general secretary of Hezbollah and he is the man that these destroyers seek to kill, every day that God does, for at least ten years.

by Maurizio Blondet

Ten years ago Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite group, as the Jewish State has discovered with bitter surprise in 2006 when it invaded South Lebanon, was able to inflict a defeat on the Israeli army, so as to make it renounce the attack, leaving behind a cemetery of its Merkava supertanks and 120 fell.

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Began this way July 12, 2006. "Since the beginning of the conflict up to the last operations" wrote US military analyst Anthony Cordesman, "Hezbollah's commands have successfully penetrated the entire cycle of strategic decisions and tactics using a full spectrum of intelligence activities, military and political". By contrast, "the failure of the Israeli intelligence was catastrophic". Sion was never able to identify Hezbollah's command & control centers. He bombed, along with virtually all the civilian infrastructure of Lebanon, some bunkers that were fake; he could not discover the real ones. Instead he found - after years had paid some Lebanese traitors to penetrate the telephone network in Lebanon - that Hezbollah had created a network of independent communications: blind and deaf, his army fell into a dozen traps.

Instead of the Arab hordes, impetuous but inept and easy to disperse, Tsahal there stood three thousand of real soldiers, capable, determined, disciplined, amidst a Shiite population who had assumed the mentality of total war - to the extreme sacrifice clinging to their Stalingrad, the 45 square kilometers rectangle to 25, which is their Shiite ground, inexpugnable of underground networks, camouflaged fortifications, in perfect stealth. They were also isolated, in Lebanon. Samir Geagea (the sinister gang leader of the Maronite Christian) and Walid Jumblatt (Druze) and Saad Hariri semi-Saudi billionaire, certain of the defeat of the Shiite minority, and gloated and did businness with Sion. The only one to come down on their side was General Michel Aoun, the former head of the government of terrible years away, Christian, that he commanded the Maronite convents of nuns to open doors for women and children of the 'Party of God'.

Exceptional ability

It is thanks to Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and his exceptional ability to govern, for common voice, for this amazing ability and organization. Throughout the conflict, Nasrallah appeared on the television screens he personally founded, Al-Manar, the only credible reference source for those days, always calm, safe and lucid. In a world where politics is theatrical, the speech demagogic, hyperbolic and braggart, Nasrallah's speech strikes - even the Arabic-speaking Israeli journalists who do not lose any of his appearances - for sobriety, the literary wealth combined with family dialectal forms closed to his people: "What he says, he does and he does what he says", a reporter summarizes.

In an environment where the exaltation of the 'martyrdom' of relatives is almost an industry, he never exhibits the death of his eighteen year old son, Hadi, who fell heroically in 1997 in Jabal al-Rephaim during an operation to attack an Israeli troop. In a culture where the Islamists and the hypocrites (think the Saudis and Erdogan) pharisaically flaunt their piety, Nasrallah is a religious that hits (the Israelis who understand him) for the tone "secular", measured, simple and real of his speeches.

A real character, who - his enemies recognize- is telling the truth. Born in 1960, the first of nine children of a grocer, his father was a member of the Syrian National Socialist Party and his family is not particularly religious. Nasrallah, who studied in Najaf in Iran, is not only a Shiite religious, as well as a political and a military commander. He is a spiritual man, engaged in what might be called the conquest of personal holiness - the sayr wa suluk (spiritual journey) in the context of 'irfan.

Shiites friends translate 'irfan as "gnosis", whence Nasrallah would be a Gnostic - which could go if it were not for the negative meaning that the words gnosis and gnostic had assumed in our culture. We say that 'irfan indicates a not specific ascetic way in which you progress according to established methods and acts of worship (ibadat) trough gradual "conditions" (ahwal) and "stations" (maqamat) of spiritual progress, to the ultimate and radical "Reality" - and that with the assistance of a teacher (director of conscience, perhaps we would say) who made that journey.

Khamenei's profecy

About his spiritual father and teacher - the Iranian ayatollah Bhaiat (1916-2009) - Nasrallah spoke with emotion and deep respect, in a recent interview that you can read in Italian:

Although very long, I recommend reading to savor the tone of the religiosity of the Hezbollah commander. I draw at least one episode that concerns precisely from the 2006 conflict:

".... A few months before the 33 days war [unleashed in July of 2006 by Israel against Lebanon and Hezbollah], a Lebanese brother who was studying at the Hawzah in Qom came to me referring that Ayatullah Bahjat (may God preserve his secret) advised me to recite the following dhikr [Short prayer, in Christian terms] three times in the morning and three times in the evening: Allahumma jalni fi Darikal hasina hallati tajalu fiha man turid (Oh my God! Let me safe with Your balance shield with which You protect anyone You want).

I asked if there was any particular reason for this, but he told me not to know: had only the task to transmit the above message. Indeed the nature of the dhikr concerns with protection and since it is known that we, the members and leaders of Hezbollah, are constantly under death threat - as happened with the former Secretary General of Hezbollah Sayyed Abbas al-Musawi, his wife and their son - is logical to feel constantly in danger. But why pass on what specific dhikr just then? I thought there was some specific reason, related to safety issues or the possibility of attacks. After a few months, however, the war started and, from day one, the Israelis tried to find me with all the means at their disposal hitting any target they thought could be my potential refuge. As stated by themselves, some bombings were particularly intense following specific information that identified my presence in this or that building. So it was that I realized that that specific dhikr was not suggested for safety reasons related to previous situations but as a shield and protection during the coming conflict.

Western powers united to eliminate

It is known to all as during the war the situation was extremely difficult: the majority of the Western powers were united in the specific intent to eliminate us, in agreement with many countries in the region favorable to the conflict and to our annihilation. Even within the Lebanese society there were differences, to the point that some, though not openly sided with the enemy, criticized us and denying us their support. We felt alone (gharib) and surrounded. According to the existing calculations and material, political, military and logistical forecast, seemed almost impossible to speak of victory. In those days most of us thought that more than as the battle of Badr or Khaybar, it would end like [the battle of] Karbala. (...) Ayatullah Bahjat, in the early days of the war sent a message in which he invited us to stay quiet because for surely, to God willing, we would come out victorious from the conflict. Obviously this infused us a superhuman courage fruit of the unconditional faith that we had placed in him: in reality there was the slightest hope on the horizon, let alone the thought of victory! So immediately I sent this message [of Bahjat] to the leaders of Hezbollah and the fighters at the front. The second event is related to our guide, Sayyed Khamenei, who in the first week of the war sent a message in which he said: this war is very similar to that of Ahzaab ("When they came upon you from above and below, your eyes grew: you had the heart in your throat and you let to go to all sorts of speculation about God," Qur'an, 33:10) but trust in God, you will be victorious in this war and you will become a power in the region. To him that had sent this message I said jokingly that it was enough we get out alive! These two posts bearing so good wishes were a source of such intense emotional inspiration, religious and spiritual, that despite everything was against us, we continued to fight with unyielding certainty in the final victory".

A possible ecumenism

This is the strength of the movement, the secret of the quiet calm, the absence of fear of his boss in front of the daily danger by the most ferocious enemy that exists on earth. Nasrallah is aware. "As you know - he says - one of the hallmarks of Hezbollah is the tawakkul (put total trust in God), trust in divine promises, the certainty of God's help, take refuge in Him, seek His help and tawassul (seek the intercession with God of God's Intimates). (...) I can say that in fact, if not for the spiritual aspect and wisdom, the Resistance in Lebanon would not have existed (....) Looking back on those days now emerges more than ever clear what was the ideal that drove those young to take up arms, to fight tirelessly under the banner of resistance, to persevere along an arduous path: it was their faith in God and living the confrontation with the enemy as a religious duty (taklifsha'ri). If they had ignored the fighting and Jihad, they would have to give account on Judgement Day".

What to say? As a pale follower of Christ, well behind him as to trust in God's promises, I can recognize what Master Nasrallah speaks about. And I express the highest esteem for his noble figure, each day hunted by Jewish arms. And I pay tribute with my esteem and heartfelt respect to the Judaism of Neturei Karta, the small remnant of rabbis and worshipers declaring the State of Israel as a sacrilege and a violence against God, and they are persecuted. If the Vatican hierarchy was still really a believer, it would not seek agreements with moderate "Islamists" and Zionist rabbinical sowers of death, but it would know recognize brothers in Hezbollah and Neturei Karta. It would be the foundation of ecumenism among "those who take refuge in Him", very different from that preached by Cardinal Kasper... I stress to pray and hope that this will happen one day. Meanwhile, of course, Hezbollah is registered in the list of terrorist movements by the Americans (ie by the Zionists) and now - at the instigation of Saud - even by the Sunni Arab world. Its television station Al Manar is obscured in Europe (at the instigation of Sarkozy) so that immigrants can learn the "faith" by the Wahabi preaching, the opposite of spirituality. Yet here is a moderate Muslim.

A final report, significant for those who know a glimpse behind the story, an ironic meta-history. Ehud Olmert was prime minister when he unleashed the war against Hezbollah in 2006. Today, seventy years old, is serving in Israel a sentence of 19 months for corruption and obstruction of justice. The then Israeli president, Moshe Katzav, is in jail for rape, on complaint of his secretaries. General Dan Haloutz, Israeli air force chief who then ordered the destroyers shelling on Beirut, was dishonorably discharged for misappropriation of funds.


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