Transport Management System Project Report

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Project Documentation of Transport Management System project report - This project report is developed in and and back end MS SQL 2005. This project report can be submitted by BSc, MSc computer science and B tech and BE information technology students BCA and MCA

The Transport Management System is the application developed to manage the transportation work easily keeping the transport agency up to date regarding the vehicles information. Transport agency has the work to transport goods from one city to another city. They have to keep track of each and every truck or others transport vehicles they have in their transportation company. They have to record each and every transport trip of the vehicles to manage the transportation business.


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Our transport management system also allow user to keep records of their customer used. Transport management company keep records of every trip that has been taken by any transport vehicle, transport agency also record expenses incurred for a journey on a day. Our transport management system automate this process by calculating the total amount of a transport vehicle and also keep records of dues on the customer. Transport agency can also generate records by using the system to keep records or document the expenditure.

Transport agency can generate bills using the system and check if any amount is remaining on any customer. User can also generate report to calculate the total expenditure on a vehicle on any transportation trip.

This is the final Project report on Transport management system developed in ASP.Net and C#.NET.


The Transport Management System’ is developed in such a way that user can access every functionality easily. This system is user friendly. User can easily create bills, book transport trip and create expense report. The old transport firm management system is very time consumption. User has to create manual work to manage the records. The maintenance of the old transport system is also very low. The old transport system is also less Secure and user has to do many extra-clerical work because this old transport system does not generate each and every records. To keep the records of the bills and expenditure Transport Company needs more man power. As user has to do many works manually then it is very difficult to stop irregularities in maintaining the record. And company need very intelligent and diligent employee to keep the records of transport related expenses. So solving all these problems we have developed this project Transport management system.

Our new system makes transport maintenance easy and requires less man power and less time for maintaining the records of the transportation firm. In our new system everything is computerized and transport management is totally transparent. As everything is automated in new system now user need minimal Clerical work involved to manage transport work. New transport management system is required less man power since all the paper work is automated in new system. new transport management system is user friendly with good look and feel and accurate.


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Main module of the transport management system

1. Administrator Login

2. Customer Registration

3. Transport Info Entry

4. Expenses Entry

5. Reports

  1. Transport management system - Administrator Login:

User has to enter valid username and password to get access to system as this is the single user application. When user launch the transport management application default login screen is displayed. User ID and the password are encrypted to secure the transport system from authorized access. When user enters username and password system checks the credentials saves in the system. if the credentials matches with the saved use id and password then system allows the user to access the system otherwise error message is displayed. For security purpose if any one enters wrong username and password continuously 10 times then system lock the transport management system.

  1. Transport management system Module - Customer Registration:

Customer registration module allows user to add new customer and delete and existing transport customer. Admin can also modify the details of existing user like transport customer address and name, phone number. Only admin can update and delete customer details normal user cannot delete or modify records. Only the administrator can have access to this part. Customers are registered by the admin and each customer will be identified distinctly by customer id.

  1. Transport management system Module- Transport Information Entry:

This is the most important module of the transport management system. Transport trip details are maintained in this module. Trip details like unique slip number and the vehicle number is stored for each transport details. In this module we also stored goods info that is being transported and the cost incurred for the material and transportation. This module is also maintained the destination address where the goods is getting transported to. We can also get customer information like customer name and address who ordered the transport. User can also check the amount paid by the customer for the transportation.

When customer book vehicles to transport his good then system automatically calculates the cost of the trip and if there is some advance form the customer then system keep records of advance amount and calculate the remaining amount after goods transported to the destination address.

User can also add extra amount if other expenses are included in any transport trip.

  1. Transport Expenses Entry:

This module is used to add the expenses incurred on a vehicle used for transport. User can add expenses like diesel charges, driver allowances, repairs, road tokens etc.

  1. Reports:

This module is used to generate the reports given below.

    • Customer Report –This report is used has all details of the customers such as name, address and advance balance of a customer.

    • Transport Report – This report gives the overview of the transport from a starting of the trip and to the end of the trip. It shows the overall transport amount the transportation company got for a trip and the expenses incurred on the trip to calculate income for a particular transport trip.

is developed in and and SQL server 2005 is use for database.



Zero level DFD: Transport managements system