Next Chapter 48 Operation


Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim VData As VoucherDataType

Dim ADDMode As Boolean

Private Sub chameleonButton1_Click()

On Error GoTo ErHand

Unload Me


ErrHandler "chameleonButton1_Click() [Close]"

End Sub

Private Sub chameleonButton4_Click()

On Error GoTo ErHand



ErrHandler "chameleonButton4_Click() [Edit]"

End Sub

Private Sub chameleonButton2_Click()

On Error GoTo ErHand

chameleonButton5.Enabled = True

chameleonButton6.Enabled = False

chameleonButton3.Enabled = False

chameleonButton4.Enabled = True

Frame2.Enabled = True

Text1.Locked = True

'Text1 = ""

'Text2 = ""

Text4 = "'"

DTPicker1 = Time

TxtDoctorIncharge = ""

DTPicker2 = Date

DTPicker3 = Time

Combo3 = ""

Text10 = ""

Text9 = ""

Text3 = ""

Text8 = ""

Text7 = ""

Text5 = ""

Text6 = ""

Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

rst.Open "select max(optno) from optnote", Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

Text4.Text = IIf(IsNull(rst.Fields(0)) = True, 1, rst.Fields(0) + 1)



ErrHandler "chameleonButton2_Click() [New Button]"

End Sub

Private Sub chameleonButton3_Click()

On Error GoTo ErHand

Dim i As Integer

If Text1.Text = "" Then Exit Sub

If Text4.Text = "" Then Exit Sub

i = MsgBox("Are You Sure to Delete Operation Note Number [ " & Text4.Text & " ] Of Patient [ " & Text2.Text & " ]", vbYesNo + vbExclamation, App.Title)

If i = vbNo Then Exit Sub

Conn.Execute " Delete from optnote where refno= " & Val(Text1.Text) & " And OptNo=" & Text4.Text

Conn.Execute " Delete from Voucher Where VType='ON' And Narr='ON Ane No : " & Text4.Text & "'"

Conn.Execute " Delete from Voucher Where VType='ON' And Narr='ON Doc No : " & Text4.Text & "'"

Conn.Execute " Delete from Voucher Where VType='ON' And Narr='ON No : " & Text4.Text & "'"

MsgBox "Operation Note Of [ " & Text2.Text & " ]" & vbCrLf & " On Date [" & Format(DTPicker2, "dd-MMM-yyyy") & "]" & vbCrLf & " Is Deleted Successfully.........", vbExclamation + vbYesNo

Call chameleonButton2_Click


ErrHandler "chameleonButton3_Click() [Delete Button]"

End Sub

Private Sub chameleonButton5_Click()

On Error GoTo ErHand

ADDMode = False

If Text5 = "" Then Text5 = 0

If Text6 = "" Then Text6 = 0

Dim RstSave As New ADODB.Recordset

RstSave.Open "Select * from OptNote Where refno=" & Text1.Text & " And DateOfSur='" & Format(DTPicker2, "dd-MMM-yyyy") & "'", Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockBatchOptimistic

If RstSave.EOF Then

Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

rst.Open "select max(OptNo) from OptNote", Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

Text4 = IIf(IsNull(rst.Fields(0)) = False, rst.Fields(0) + 1, 1)



ADDMode = True


i = MsgBox("You Are Going To Update Operation Note Of [ " & Me.Text2 & " ]" & vbCrLf & " On Date [" & Format(DTPicker2, "dd-MMM-yyyy") & "]" & vbCrLf & " Do You Want To Continue", vbExclamation + vbYesNo)

If i = vbNo Then Exit Sub

End If

VData = GetVoucherData("ON Doc No : " & Text4.Text)

VData.AcCode = IIf(TxtDoctorIncharge.Tag = "", VData.AcCode, TxtDoctorIncharge.Tag)

VData.ACContra = "000039"

VData.DrAmt = 0

VData.CrAmt = Val(Text5.Text)

VData.Narration1 = "ON Doc No : " & Text4.Text

VData.Narration2 = "ON No : " & Text4.Text

VData.vDate = DTPicker2

VData.VType = "ON"

Call InsertToAccount(ADDMode, VData)

VData = GetVoucherData("ON Ane No : " & Text4.Text)

VData.AcCode = IIf(Combo3.Tag = "", VData.AcCode, Combo3.Tag)

VData.ACContra = "000039"

VData.DrAmt = 0

VData.CrAmt = Val(Text6.Text)

VData.Narration1 = "ON Ane No : " & Text4.Text

VData.Narration2 = "ON No : " & Text4.Text

VData.vDate = DTPicker2

VData.VType = "ON"

Call InsertToAccount(ADDMode, VData)

RstSave.Fields("optno") = Text4.Text & ""

RstSave.Fields("RefNo") = Text1.Text & ""

RstSave.Fields("Name") = Text2.Text & ""

RstSave.Fields("Surgeon") = TxtDoctorIncharge.Text & ""

RstSave.Fields("DateOfSur") = DTPicker2 & ""

RstSave.Fields("Assis1") = Text10.Text & ""

RstSave.Fields("Assis2") = Text9.Text & ""

RstSave.Fields("Anes") = Combo3.Text & ""

RstSave.Fields("Sthr") = DTPicker3 & ""

RstSave.Fields("Cohr") = DTPicker1 & ""

RstSave.Fields("Finding") = Text3.Text & ""

RstSave.Fields("Pro") = Text8.Text & ""

RstSave.Fields("OutCome") = Text7.Text & ""

RstSave.Fields("DrAmount") = Val(Text5.Text) & ""

RstSave.Fields("AnAmount") = Val(Text6.Text) & ""


Set RstSave = Nothing

Call chameleonButton2_Click


ErrHandler "Operation.SaveButton_Click()"

End Sub

Private Sub chameleonButton6_Click()

On Error GoTo ErHand


DataEnvironment1.Recordsets.Item("command3").Open "select * from optnote where refno = " & Text1 & "", Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

OperationReport.Sections(1).Controls.Item("label57").Caption = hos_name

OperationReport.Sections(1).Controls.Item("label58").Caption = hos_add



ErrHandler "chameleonButton6_Click() [Print]"

End Sub

Private Sub chameleonButton7_Click()

On Error GoTo ErHand



ErrHandler "chameleonButton7_Click() [Edit]"

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

On Error GoTo ErHand

Me.Top = (MDIForm1.ScaleHeight - Me.Height) / 2

Me.Left = (MDIForm1.ScaleWidth - Me.Width) / 2

Call chameleonButton2_Click

Me.Text1 = Admission.txtRegNo.Text

Me.Text2 = Admission.TxtPatient.Text

Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

rst.Open "select * from optnote where refno = " & Val(Admission.txtRegNo.Text) & "", Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If Not rst.EOF = True Then

EDITREF = rst.Fields("OptNO")

Call opt

End If

With DocSrch

.DBConnectString = ConnectString

.SQLString = "SELECT AccountNo,Title + space(1) + FName + space(1) + MName + space(1) + LName FROM DocMast"


Set .BoundTextBox = TxtDoctorIncharge

End With

With AneSrch

.DBConnectString = ConnectString

.SQLString = "SELECT AccountNo,Title + space(1) + FName + space(1) + MName + space(1) + LName FROM anaes"


Set .BoundTextBox = Me.Combo3

End With


ErrHandler "Operation.Form_Load()"

End Sub

Public Function opt()

On Error GoTo ErHand

If Text1.Text = "" Then MsgBox " Patient Registration Number Should Not Be Empty ", vbExclamation, App.Title: Text1.SetFocus: Exit Function

If EDITREF = "" Then MsgBox " OpetationNote Number Should Not Be Empty ", vbExclamation, App.Title: Exit Function

Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

rst.Open "select * from optnote where Optno = " & EDITREF & " And RefNo=" & Text1.Text, Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If rst.EOF = True Then MsgBox ("This Operation Note Is Not Related With This Patient"): Exit Function

Text1 = rst!refno & ""

Text2 = rst!Name & ""

Text4 = rst!optno & ""

TxtDoctorIncharge = rst!Surgeon & ""

DTPicker2 = rst!dateofsur & ""

DTPicker3 = rst!sthr & ""

DTPicker1 = rst!cohr & ""

Combo3 = rst!anes & ""

Text10 = rst!assis1 & ""

Text9 = rst!assis2 & ""

Text3 = rst!finding & ""

Text8 = rst!pro & ""

Text7 = rst!outcome & ""

Text5 = rst!DRAmount & ""

Text6 = rst!anamount & ""

chameleonButton4.Enabled = False

chameleonButton5.Enabled = True

chameleonButton6.Enabled = True

chameleonButton3.Enabled = True



ErrHandler "Operation.OPT()"

End Function

Private Sub Text1_LostFocus()

On Error GoTo ErHand

Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

Text2 = ""

rst.Open "select * from hospital where registration = " & Val(Text1) & "", Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If rst.EOF = False Then

Text2 = rst!Title & "" + " " + rst!first_name & "" + " " + rst!middle_name & "" + " " + rst!last_name & ""

End If



ErrHandler "Operation.Text1_LostFocus()"

End Sub

Private Sub TxtDoctorIncharge_GotFocus()

On Error GoTo ErHand

DocSrch.SearchValue TxtDoctorIncharge.Text



ErrHandler "Operation.TxtDoctorIncharge_GotFocus()"

End Sub

Private Sub Combo3_GotFocus()

On Error GoTo ErHand

AneSrch.SearchValue Combo3.Text



ErrHandler "Operation.Combo3_GotFocus()"

End Sub