Next Chapter 85 APPENDIX A





Windows is the world’s most popular operating system and one reason for this is its Graphical Use Interface (GUI). Windows lets users issue commands by clicking icons and work with programs within easily manipulated screens called (appropriately) windows. Windows 98 represents the marriage of the windows operating system and Internet accesses. This unique melding of form and function known as Web integration helps the user to perform routine computer tasks such as writing a letter while maintaining seamless access to the information we need from the Internet. Web integration also changes the way we interact with the windows operating system. Command and navigation procedures, as well as the look of the windows 98 interface, all more closely resemble their counterparts on the web. Windows 98 lets the user to manage the files and folders that contain them using the methodology of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Thus windows offer these advantages:

Easier to use: With the desktop options such as single clicking to open files and the addition of browse buttons in every window. User can use multiple monitors with a single computer dramatically increasing the size of the workplace. Installing new hardware is easy because windows 98supports the Universal Serial Bus standard allowing to plug in new hardware and use it immediately without restarting computer.

More reliable: User can support online website for answers to common questions and to keep copies of windows up-to-date. Windows 98 tools can help regularly and test hard disk and system files and even automatically fix some problems. The troubleshooters and the Dr. Watson diagnostic tool also help to solve computer problem.

Faster: By using the maintenance wizard we can easily improve computers speed and efficiency. The power management feature allows newer computers to go into hibernation mode and awaken instantly instead of requiring shutting down and restarting computer. We can use the FAT32 file system to store files more efficiently and save hard disk space.

True web integration: The Internet connection wizard makes connecting to the web simple. Using the web –style Active Desktop can view web pages as the desktop wallpaper. In Microsoft Outlook @ Express we can send e-mail and post messages to Internet news groups.

More entertaining: Windows 98 supports DV, digital audio and VRML so can play high quality movies and audio on computer as well as see the full effect of web pages that use virtual reality features. Can also watch television broadcasts and check TV program listings by using Microsoft Web TV for windows.



The need of today’s software development in a G.U.I based front-end tool, which can connect to relational database engines. This gives the programmer the opportunity to develop client/server based commercial applications.

These applications give users the power and ease of use of a G.U.I with the multi-user capabilities of NT based RDBMS engines like SQL SERVER 2000.

From the array of G.U.I based front-end tools I select Developer 2000 because as we know that developer 2000 is a product of SQL SERVER 2000 corporation and it has best compatibility with SQL SERVER 2000 and most of all the security in VISUAL BASIC 6.0 is as same as in SQL SERVER 2000 database.

SQL SERVER 2000 VISUAL BASIC 6.0 offers a host of technical advantages over many other front-end tools.


Introduction to the SQL SERVER 2000 Server

This chapter provides an overview of the SQL SERVER 2000 server. The topics include:


A database server is the key to solving the problems of information management. In general, a server must reliably manage a large amount of data in a multi-user environment so that many users can concurrently access the same data. All this must be accomplished while delivering high performance. A database server must also prevent unauthorized access and provide efficient solutions for failure recovery.

The SQL SERVER 2000 server provides efficient and effective solutions with the following features:

The following sections provide a comprehensive overview of the SQL SERVER 2000 architecture. Each section describes a different part of the overall architecture.