Customer Care Management System Project Report


A complete Project documentation and complete source code of Customer Relationship Management system with Project Report. using this system customer can submit complaint online and customer care executive can resolve consumer query and help customer in using the company service with ease.



Customer relationship management system is developed for reporting and tracking customer queries about the product of the company. Using this system user can send any queries to customer care executive and get the immediate help regarding his or her query. This system keep track of when complaint or query is reported and when it is resolved. System is also asking feedback from the user to know the user satisfaction with the company product. This system improves the customer relationship with the company. This system provides help to the customer every time. User cans complaint about the product any time from his home online, using our customer relationship management system.



You can download Project report, synopsis of this Project with source code in

ASP.NET, JAVA and PHP from the end of this article

Below is the home page of the customer relationship management Project report.

When user come to the customer care management system home page, “Welcome to customer care and satisfaction” related message is displayed. It gives a glance of the company thinking about the customer relationship service. Consumer can login to customer panel by clicking on “customer” link. user can submit a complaint about the management system form this system. in our project report have given screen shot of each and every screen of the system.

Use can navigate to careers, about us and contact us page. On career page user can get information about job vacancy in the company and company employee policy and facilities they provide to the employee. Customer can also apply for job from this page.

If customer wants to know about the company he can navigate to about us page. Consumer can view company profile from about us page. About us page describe the company policy their ethics and services they are providing to their customer. Satisfied customer relationship list are also displayed on the page.

Customer can also navigate to contact us page. Consumer can get company address and phone number from the contact up page. User can also send feedback from contact up page using email address.

Employee of the customer relationship management company can also login from home page of the system. When user click on employee login link, Login screen is displayed, User can login to customer care system by entering valid username and password. home page screen shot is given below. you can use this project image in your final report.

Figure 1 Home page - Customer relationship management system project

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Customer care welcome screen is displayed when he login to consumer relationship panel with valid username and password. User can post a complaint from customer welcome page. Post a query page is displayed when user click on post a query link. Customer can check the complaint status by clicking on “Query status” link. Employee can also login from this page. Previous solution page give the details of the past solution of a customer query. it is very important to put image of project screen in Project final report so that user can get look and feel of the system.

Figure 2 - Customer welcome page - Customer complaint management Project

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Customer can submit ask question from post query page. Customer has to give his name, email ID and contact Number and in query text box he can write equerry or complaint about the product or service. consumer can submit enquiry in customer care relationship database by clicking on query button.

Figure 3 Post Query screen - customer relationship management system

Operation page give the details of the company like on which domain company is working and what is the business of the company and what services they can give to their customer. One company can work in different domain like banking, finance, hospital; hotels etc. so one company can have different domain customers and different domain expert is needed to give the satisfactory answer to customer to make a healthy relationship with the customer. we should prepare final report of the customer care project in the given format of the university.

Figure 4 Operation page - consumer care management system

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When we submit a enquiry or complaint in customer care relationship system we get a query id. We can track this inquiry by giving the query id when we entered customer query id in ID text box and click on submit button. All details related to this query are displayed on the page. We can check on this page that whether the query or complaint is resolved or under process or pending. If the problem is resolved we get the answer of the query on this page. ER diagram and Data flow diagram are most important things in Project final report to understand the flow of data and how entities are connected to each other.

Figure 5 Query status page - customer help desk system

Figure 6 Customer relationship Management service Project

When customer has to check the query he has to select department or domain from the select department drop box on department selection screen of customer help department screen for example, if you want to inquire about banking domain operations then you have to select bank from the drop box and if you want to ask question about hospital then you have to select hospital domain. For example user selects hardware to get the answer of his query in this domain. Data structure is also compulsory in Project final report.

Figure 7 Query response - Customer Service Management Project

In previous customer care management system, Customer Cannot Upload and Download the latest updates of the purchase it products and he has to install latest version manually. In this new customer relationship management project we take care of this problem.

In previous system there is no proper coordination between different products and Users because of this customer has to face many problem.

In new system we have taken care of speed and accuracy of the query. In this system data is secured and easily accessible. This system is platform independent so can be access form any device that gives the ease of access to the customer. you should also include module description in your final project report. it gives the overview of the modules and how they work and interconnected to each other.

NUMBER OF MODULES in complaint management system project

In the new system there are 4 main modules. Those are given below.

1 Employee Module - Customer relationship management

2 Customer Module - online consumer care relationship management system

3 Authentication

4 Search


The Customer care Module is developed to serve the following functionality. Customer care module helps the consumer in posting query to the related department. Each query is identified by Query ID that is created by customer care management system. Using this query id consumer can access any query in future. Company can launch customer satisfaction survey from customer relationship management system. The benefits of consumer satisfaction survey are that company gets an idea of the quality of the services provided by the company and what employee thinks about the company product. It is the best way to interacts with the customer about the product quality and can get suggestion to improve customer relationship.user can also submit his complaint about the management system from this module. user has to enter all mandatory field and click on submit button to submit the complaint. Customer care module is described in more details in final project report.


Employee help module is developed for the employee of the customer relationship management company. Customer help executive can see the posted queries of the consumer. Queries are sorted by department so that only domain expert can give the answer of the query. Domain expert can give answer to the query from this module. Employee can see the customer satisfaction survey filled up by the users. He can able to see the survey details of all the departments. employee of any department can check the customer complaint from employee module.

Interaction of admin with the customer care management system developed in ASP.NET.

Admin can login to admin panel developed in from home page when admin click on login link admin login page is displayed. When admin enter user name and password customer management system verify the credentials and if the username and password is correct system allows the admin to access the customer query management system and admin panel developed in is displayed. Admin can create new employee and can check employee details form admin panel developed in, java, php. Admin can update employee information. Admin can also check queries submitted by customer from admin panel developed in, java, php. Admin can also check survey details submitted by customers. Admin can also search queries and response of the complaint from the admin page.

Customer care management system Project Of Admin - Use Cases

Use Cases Of Customer care relationship management system Project Of Of User

User can also access home page of the customer relationship management system. customer can register to the system by giving details like customer name, address, mobile number username and password. Only registered user can submit query or complaint to the system from post a query page. customer can also search his posted complaint byusing search facility.