The out come of preliminary investigation:

In preliminary investigation we find out that the system can be categorized in for major department.

Opd department: this department deals with outdoor patients those come on daily basis.

Indoor department: this department deals with patient those get admitted in hospital and those undergoes with registration, investigation, test or other process.

Medicine department: this department deals with sale/purchase of medicine. Medicines are also issued to indoor patients, those charge in taken on discharge of that patient.

Account department: This department deals with money transaction such as daybook, cashbooks, and payment Boucher etc.

On the basis of these departments category the system is divided into many form.

  1. Company Setup

In company setup, user can fill company details. These details will reflect in all the reports of this software. This is flexibility of this software. User can change his company information according to his will.

  1. Master Entry

The purpose of master entry is to give the way to user to enter all master information once and use it, when it is required. In master entry we provide many options as follows:

Ø Doctor Master Entry

The purpose of this option is to provide way to enter all doctor’s related information once, which is used everywhere in software whenever required.

Ø Department Entry

The purpose of this option is to provide way to enter all department’s related information once, which is used everywhere in software whenever required.

Ø Ward Master Entry

The purpose of this option is to enter all rooms and beds information, which is used in patient registration process and bed shift process.

Ø Bill Master Entry

The purpose of this option is to enter Bills Fee for all head’s such as Glucose Fee, Daily vital charge etc. this information is used at the time of bill generation on discharge of patient.

Ø Account Group Entry

The purpose of this option is to create accounts of all types used in organization such as account group of supplier, employee, purchase, sale etc. these group will be used at the time of account creation to categories different type of related accounts in organization.

Ø Create Account Entry

This process creates account for organization those will use in voucher entry and various report generation such as cashbook, bankbook etc.

Ø Item Group Entry

Hospital purchase items of different type so to categories these item there is a need of this process through this process user creates item group those use at the time of purchase.

Ø Item Master Entry

This form provide facility to fill item main or most frequently used item information to filled by used at one time and can be used at purchase time. This will make user’s work easy at purchase or sale time. Users have to enter information only into item master form and can use it in purchase and sale form.

Ø Item Opening Entry

The purpose of this form is to enter information of products opening quantity such as how many number’s of product are already available at the installation time of software. Those will use in stock, sale, and purchase time.

  1. Patient Entry

a. Indoor patient Entry

The purpose of this process is to enter information of those patients who admitted in hospital and undergoes to many activities. Such registration, Admission, Prescription, Investigation such as testing, ultrasound, discharge, bill generation. This is the main working module on patient all the process related to patients are conducted here. Operation such as allotment of ward & bed to a patient is done in registration operation. Information related to patient, whether it is personal or related to illness is also entered here. Patient’s daily Investigation report such as urine exam, FBS, X-Ray, HIV, Hypertension, diabetes is also fed here. Information of patient used anywhere in this system is provide by this process. This is most important part of system.

b. Out door patient Entry

This process handle all patients to come just for take medicine and for consult of doctor. These patients do not get admitted, thus do not undergo in activities those are done on INDOOR Patients.

  1. Transaction Entry

Transaction entry deals with all purchase, sale, and purchase return, sale return.

Ø Purchase

This process is used to feed purchase product information into database. This deals with both credit and cash purchase .the information fed here affect purchase account, stock status.

Ø Issue/Sale

This process deals with sale/issue medicine or other medical equipments. This process also affects stock status. Payment is also made by customer/patient on basis of that sale. If sale is on credit then amount will be added to bill of that patient on discharge time.

Ø Deep account View

This is special facility provided by us to user to let him investigate all accounts from one place. User can check all account in tree fashion. And can navigate form one account to base account. Such as form “currents” to “bank or cash” book, form cashbook to cash in hand, from cash in hand to detail of cash in hand source. This very mush useful is check account in organized way and in finding mistake.

  1. Voucher Entry

This module is related to account all the money transaction made in organization is handled in the form of voucher such as purchase voucher, sale voucher, and General voucher. There is four sort of voucher used in organization for different purpose.

Ø Payment voucher

This voucher is used to feed payment related information such as how much payment is made to whom on which date with detail narration of that payment.

Ø Receipt voucher

This voucher is used to feed receipt related information such as how much amount is received from whom on which date with detail narration of that receipt.

Ø Contra voucher

This voucher is a special type of voucher. If there are two parties, one is to pay some payment to organization and other is to receive some amount from that party and is also to pay organization. Then contra voucher is used which directly transfer amount from one account to another.

Ø General voucher

This voucher is used to feed general expenses related information such as electricity bill, repairing in building and other general expenses.

  1. Inventory Report

    1. Sales register

Sales register provides detail report about sale made by organization. It also gives option to show sale made on credit only or cash only or both between two dates.

    1. Purchase register

Purchase register is also like sales register. It also provides all facilities and option provides in sales register except that it deals purchase related information.

    1. Stock register

Stock register provides information related to stock. Stock report can be viewed of particular group of item.

    1. Stock statement

Stock statement is a statement that gives information of particular product on a particular date like opening quantity of that item, purchase quantity, sale quantity, closing quantity of that item between two dates. This statement is like a summery of all products.

    1. Stock ledger

Stock ledger is a report of a single product, which provides summery report of particular selected product between two dates.

  1. Account Report

Account reports are actually the out come of accounting process which produces many reports such as opening trial, Trial Balance, Financial Ledger, Day book, Bank Book, Cash Book, Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss account.

    1. Opening trial

Opening trial report is summery of organization’s opening balance on a particular date. This report shows whether organization is on credit or debit on a particular date.

    1. Trial Balance:

A trial balance is a list of the balance on all the accounts in the books, prepared as a document additional to the ledger after all the transaction of a period has been entered. It must be carefully noted that the trail balance is not an account. It forms no part of the double entry, nor does it appear in the actual books of account. It is a statement drawn up as a test of the arithmetical accuracy of the ledger accounts.

    1. Financial ledger

Financial ledger is actually a summery of all account’s debit, credit and balance. It shows all the transaction carried out in a particular account such as all debit and credit transaction form cash in hand account.

    1. Day Book:

The daybook is ledger, which shows daily transaction summery. It is a book of original entry or journal as well as ledger account, bound separately for the sake off convenience.

    1. Cash Book:

The cashbook is unique in accounting in that it plays a dual role. It is a book of original entry or journal as well as ledger account, bound separately for the sake off convenience. The cashbook is a part and parcel of the journal dues to the following reason:

o For the sake of convenience, the journal is divided into various subsidiary book or books of original entry, and the cashbook is one of them.

o All cash transaction is first at recorded in the cashbook phonologically as they occur and ledger accounts are posted their form. Thus it acts as a subsidiary to the ledger.

o The analysis of the cash transaction under ‘debit’ and ‘credit’ is made in the cashbook.

    1. Bank Book:

The Bankbook is unique in accounting in that it plays a dual role. It is a book of original entry or journal as well as ledger account, bound separately for the sake off convenience. The Bankbook is a part and parcel of the journal dues to the following reason:

Ø For the sake of convenience, the journal is divided into various subsidiary book or books of original entry, and the Bankbook is one of them.

Ø All Bank transaction is first at recorded in the Bankbook phonologically as they occur and ledger accounts are posted their form. Thus it acts as a subsidiary to the ledger.

Ø The analysis of the Bank transaction under ‘debit’ and ‘credit’ is made in the Bankbook.

    1. Balance sheet:

The balance sheet is a summery of firms’ assets and liabilities. It provides information to profit & loss account. Balance sheet is a statement of financial position of a business unit disclosing at a given moment of time its assets, liabilities.

    1. Profit & Loss account:

Profit and loss account measures the income generated by the entity. The income is generated from or with the use of its assets. Thus, the concern of the profit and loss account is the income arising out of the assets, rather than the assets themselves.

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