Next Chapter 87 GLOSSARY




E.R.D. Entity-Relationship Diagram

D.F.D. Data Flow Diagram

DATA DICITIONARY: All definitions of elements in the system-data flows, processes, and data stores-are described in detail in a data dictionary.

COUPLING: Coupling is a measure of interconnection among modules in a software structure.

COHESION: Cohesion is a natural extension of the information-hiding concept.

PRIMARY KEY: The column should be able to uniquely identify each row. Such a column is candidate for a primary key.

FOREIGN KEY: The Foreign key is a set of attribute of one relvar R2, whose values are required to match values of some candidate key of some relvar R1.

COMPOSITE KEY: The composite key is a combination of two or more than two columns which are identified as primary key.

SCHEMA: The term Schema is used to mean & overall chart of all the data item types and record –types stored in database.

ENTITY & ATTRIBUTE: All such item about which relevant information is stored in the database is called Entities. The qualities of the entity, which we store as information, are called Attributes.

SHARING DATA: A database allows the sharing of data under its control by any number of application program or users.

DATA INTEGRITY: Data integrity means that the data contained in the databases both accurate & consistent.

DATA SECURITY: Data is a vital importance to an organization and may be confidential. Unauthorized persons must not access such confidential data. Different level of security could be implemented for various types of data and operations.