Next Chapter 47 OPD BILL




Dim EditMode As Boolean

Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim rst1 As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim RS As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim rst2 As New ADODB.Recordset

Public a As Variant

Public s As Integer

Private Sub SetSearchEngines()

'Populate all search list

'Called in Form_Load()

With BillSrch

.DBConnectString = ConnectString

.WithAlias = False

.SQLString = "SELECT BillNo,convert(nvarchar,BillNo) + ' Paid By : ' + PaidBy + ' Bill Date: ' + convert(nvarchar,billdate) FROM OPDBill"


Set .BoundTextBox = Me.txtbl

End With

End Sub

Private Sub Text2_GotFocus()

If Text3 = "" Then

If txtla = "" Then

txtla = 0

Text2 = Val(txtte) - Val(txtla)

Exit Sub


Text2 = Val(txtte) - Val(txtla)

End If


If txtla = "" Then

txtla = 0

Text2 = Val(txtte) - Val(txtla) - Val(Text3)

Exit Sub


Text2 = Val(txtte) - Val(txtla) - Val(Text3)

End If

End If

End Sub

Private Sub txtbal_GotFocus()

If txttp = "" Then

txttp = 0

txtbal = Val(Text2) - Val(txttp)

Exit Sub


txtbal = Val(Text2) - Val(txttp)

End If

End Sub

Private Sub txtbl_GotFocus()

If Not EditMode Then Exit Sub

BillSrch.SearchValue txtbl.Text


End Sub

Private Sub txtbl_LostFocus()

On Error GoTo ErHand

If Not EditMode Then Exit Sub

If txtbl.Text = "" Then Exit Sub

Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

rst.Open "select * from opdbill where billno = " & Val(txtbl) & "", Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If rst.EOF = True Then MsgBox "Bill No. does not exist", vbInformation: Exit Sub

If Not rst!Status = "OK" Then MsgBox "This is Cancelled Bill ", vbExclamation + vbDefaultButton1 + vbMsgBoxRtlReading

'txtbl = Rst!billno

txtte = rst!estimate_amount

txtla = rst!Advance

TxtPatientName = rst!paidby & ""

Text3 = rst!DISCOUNT

txttp = rst!Amount_paid

Text2 = rst!Total_Due

txtbal = rst!BALANCE

DTPicker = rst!BillDate

txtRegNo = rst!registrationno


MSFlexGrid1.Rows = 1

MSFlexGrid1.Cols = 3

MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(0) = 0

Set rst = New Recordset

rst.Open "select * from opdbilldetail where BillNo = " & Val(Me.txtbl) & " order by SerialNo", Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

MSFlexGrid1.FormatString = "SR. No | Description | Amount"

If IsNull(rst!serialno) = False Then

Do While Not rst.EOF = True

Me.MSFlexGrid1.AddItem rst!serialno & "" & Chr(9) & rst!Discription & "" & Chr(9) & rst!amount & ""



End If


Conn.Execute "delete from billAdd where billno = " & txtbl & ""

Conn.Execute "insert into billAdd select * from opdbilldetail where billno = " & txtbl & ""


ErrHandler "OPDBill.TxtBl_LostFocus()"

End Sub

Private Sub CmdEdit_Click()

Call billEdit

End Sub

Public Sub billEdit()

On Error GoTo ErHand

If cmdedit.Caption = "&Update" Then

Conn.Execute "update opdbill set Estimate_Amount = " & txtte & " where BillNo = " & txtbl.Text & " "

Conn.Execute "update opdbill set Total_Due = " & Text2 & " where BillNo = " & txtbl.Text & ""

Conn.Execute "update opdbill set Balance = " & txtbal & " where BillNo = " & txtbl.Text & ""

Conn.Execute "update opdbill set discount = " & Text3 & " where BillNo = " & txtbl.Text & ""

Conn.Execute "update opdbill set Amount_Paid = " & txttp & " where BillNo = " & txtbl.Text & ""

Conn.Execute "delete from opdbilldetail where billno = " & txtbl.Text & ""

Conn.Execute "insert into opdbilldetail select * from billadd where billno = " & txtbl.Text & ""

MsgBox "RECORD! UPDATED", vbInformation

Call CmdNew_Click


EditMode = True

Set BillSrch.BoundTextBox = txtbl

cmdedit.Caption = "&Update"

CmdSave.Enabled = False

Command5.Enabled = True

CmdDelete.Enabled = True

cmdprint.Enabled = True


End If


ErrHandler "OPDBill.BillEdit()"

End Sub

Private Sub CmdDelete_Click()

On Error GoTo ErHand

If txtbl.Text = "" Then MsgBox "Please Select The Bill Number", vbInformation: txtbl.SetFocus: Exit Sub

i = MsgBox("Are you Sure to delete the record", vbQuestion + vbYesNo)

If i = vbNo Then Exit Sub

Conn.Execute "delete from OPDbill where billno = " & txtbl.Text & ""

Conn.Execute "delete from OPDbillDETAIL where billno = " & txtbl.Text & ""

Call CmdNew_Click

If i > 0 Then Exit Sub

MsgBox "No Record Found For Bill Number [ " & txtbl.Text & " ]", vbExclamation, App.Title


ErrHandler "OPDBill.CmdDelete_Click()"

End Sub

Private Sub CmdSave_Click()

On Error GoTo ErHand

If Text2 = "" Then Text2 = 0

If Text4 = "" Then Text4 = TxtPatientName

If txttp = "" Then txttp = 0

If txtbal = "" Then txtbal = 0

If txtRegNo.Text = "" Then Exit Sub

Dim RstSave As New ADODB.Recordset

RstSave.Open "Select * From OPDBill where BillNo=" & txtbl.Text & " ", Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockBatchOptimistic

If RstSave.EOF Then

Dim RstCheck As New ADODB.Recordset

RstCheck.Open "Select * From OPDBill where RegistrationNo=" & txtRegNo.Text & " order by BillNo Desc ", Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockBatchOptimistic

If Not RstCheck.EOF Then

i = MsgBox("You Are Going To Add New Bill Of Patient [ " & TxtPatientName.Text & " ]" & vbCrLf & " However You Have Prepared [ Bill Number - " & RstCheck!billno & " ] For This Patient " & vbCrLf & " Are You Sure To Add New Bill ", vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2, App.Title)

If i = vbNo Then Exit Sub

End If


Call incrementBillNo


i = MsgBox("You Are Going To Modify Bill Number [ " & txtbl.Text & " ] Of Patient [ " & TxtPatientName.Text & " ] ,Are You Sure ", vbYesNo + vbExclamation, App.Title)

If i = vbNo Then Exit Sub

End If

RstSave.Fields("BillNo") = txtbl.Text

RstSave.Fields("BillDate") = Format(DTPicker, "dd-MMM-yyyy")

RstSave.Fields("SerialNo") = s

RstSave.Fields("Estimate_Amount") = Val(txtte.Text)

RstSave.Fields("Discount") = Val(Text3.Text)

'RstSave.Fields("Advance") = Val(txtla.text)

RstSave.Fields("Total_Due") = Val(Text2.Text)

RstSave.Fields("Amount_paid") = Val(txttp.Text)

RstSave.Fields("Balance") = Val(txtbal.Text)

RstSave.Fields("RegistrationNo") = txtRegNo.Text

RstSave.Fields("paidby") = Text4.Text

RstSave.Fields("status") = "OK"


Conn.Execute "delete from opdbilldetail where billno = " & txtbl & ""

Conn.Execute "insert into opdbilldetail select * from billadd where billno = " & txtbl & ""

Conn.Execute "Delete from BillAdd"

Call CmdNew_Click


ErrHandler "OPDBill.CmdSave_Click()"

End Sub

Private Sub Combo1_Click()

Call discriptionAmount

End Sub

Private Sub Command_Click()

Call DeleteDiscription

End Sub

Public Sub Command1_Click()

Call addInGrid

End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()

On Error GoTo ErHand

Dim i As String

If txtbl.Text = "" Then Exit Sub

rst.Open "select * from OPDBILL where BILLNO = " & Val(txtbl.Text) & "", Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If rst.EOF = True Then MsgBox "Bill No. Not Found", vbInformation: rst.Close: Exit Sub

X = MsgBox("Are You Sure To Cancel The Bill", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Modify Record")

If X = vbNo Then Exit Sub

Conn.Execute "update opdbill set status = 'CANCEL' where billno = " & Val(txtbl.Text) & ""

Call CmdNew_Click


ErrHandler "OPDBill.Command5_Click()"

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

On Error GoTo ErHand

Me.Top = (MDIForm1.ScaleHeight - Me.Height) / 2

Me.Left = 2540

Call SetSearchEngines

Call CmdNew_Click

MSFlexGrid1.Rows = 1

txtbal.Locked = True

txtte.Locked = True

Text2.Locked = True

TxtPatientName.Locked = True

TxtDoctor.Locked = True

DTPicker = Date

' TxtDischargeDate = Date

' TxtPatientName = registration.TxtTitle & " " & registration.TxtFirst.text & " " & registration.Txtmiddle.text & " " & registration.TxtLast.text

' TxtDoctor = registration.TxtDoctorIncharge.text

' txtRegNo.text = registration.txtRegNo

'Call incrementBillNo

Set rst = New Recordset

rst.Open "select * from billmast", Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

While Not rst.EOF

Combo1.AddItem rst!Discription



Set rst = Nothing


ErrHandler "OPDBill.Form_Load()"

End Sub

Public Sub display()

On Error Resume Next

txtRegNo.Text = a

TxtPatientName.Text = rst!Name

TxtDoctor = rst!docincharge

End Sub

Public Sub connect()

On Error Resume Next

MSFlexGrid1.Rows = 1

MSFlexGrid1.Cols = 3

Set rst = New Recordset

rst.Open "select * from billadd where billno =" & Val(txtbl.Text) & " order by serialno", Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

MSFlexGrid1.FormatString = "SR. No | Description | Amount"

If IsNull(rst!serialno) = False Then

Do While Not rst.EOF = True

Me.MSFlexGrid1.AddItem rst!serialno & "" & Chr(9) & rst!Discription & "" & Chr(9) & rst!amount & ""



End If


End Sub

Public Sub totalcharges()

If txtRegNo = "" Then MsgBox "Please Enter Registration No. of Patient", vbInformation: Exit Sub

End Sub

Public Sub addInGrid()

On Error GoTo ErHand

If txtRegNo = "" Then MsgBox "Enter Patient Registration Number", vbInformation: Exit Sub

If txtpa = "" Then Call connect: Exit Sub

Call incrementSerialNo

Dim RstCheck As New ADODB.Recordset

RstCheck.Open "Select * from BillAdd Where ID=" & txtRegNo.Text & " And Discription='" & Combo1.Text & "'", Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockBatchOptimistic

If Not RstCheck.EOF = True Then

Dim i As Integer

i = MsgBox("You Are Going To Add Duplicate Charge [ " & Combo1.Text & " ] " & vbCrLf & "To Patient [" & TxtPatientName.Text & " ] " & vbCrLf & " Do You Want To Continue........ ", vbYesNo + vbExclamation, App.Title)

If i = vbNo Then Exit Sub

Set RstCheck = Nothing

End If

Dim SQL As String

Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset

rst.CursorLocation = adUseClient

SQL = "SELECT * FROM BillAdd "

rst.Open SQL, Conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText

With Me


rst("BillNo") = txtbl.Text

rst("SerialNo") = s

rst("Discription") = .Combo1.Text & ""

rst("Amount") = Val(.txtpa) & ""

rst("ID") = Trim(.txtRegNo) & ""


End With

Call connect

Set rst = New Recordset

rst.Open "select Sum(Amount) from BillAdd where id = " & Val(txtRegNo) & " ", Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If Not rst.EOF Then txtte.Text = rst.Fields(0)

Set rst = Nothing


ErrHandler "OPDBill.AddInGrid()"

End Sub

Public Sub DeleteDiscription()

On Error GoTo ErHand

Dim Cancelled As Boolean

Dim SQL As String

Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset

rst.CursorLocation = adUseClient

If Me.txtbl = "" Then MsgBox "Please Enter Bill Number To Delete.", vbCritical, "Bill Number Not Found": Exit Sub

If MSFlexGrid1.RowSel = 0 Then Exit Sub

If MsgBox("This will Delete Selected Item [" & MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(MSFlexGrid1.RowSel, 1) & "]. Are you sure to delete it ?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, "Deletion Confirmation") = vbNo Then Cancelled = True: GoTo ExitLable

'Delete Item

SQL = "Delete From BillAdd where SerialNo = " & MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(MSFlexGrid1.RowSel, 0) & " and BillNo=" & txtbl & ""

Conn.Execute SQL, , adCmdText

Call connect

Set rst = New Recordset

rst.Open "select Sum(Amount) from BillAdd where id = " & txtRegNo & " ", Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If IsNull(rst.Fields(0)) = True Then Exit Sub

txtte.Text = rst.Fields(0)

Set rst = Nothing



ErrHandler "OPDBill.DeleteDiscription()"

End Sub

Public Sub incrementSerialNo()

On Error Resume Next

Set rst2 = New ADODB.Recordset

rst2.Open "select max(serialno) from Billadd ", Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

s = IIf(IsNull(rst2.Fields(0)) = False, rst2.Fields(0) + 1, 1)

Set rst2 = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub incrementBillNo()

On Error Resume Next

Set rst = New Recordset

rst.Open "select max(BillNo) from OPDBill", Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

txtbl.Text = IIf(IsNull(rst.Fields(0)) = False, rst.Fields(0) + 1, 1)

Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub Text3_Change()

Text2 = Val(txtte) - Val(txtla) - Val(Text3)

txtbal = Text2

End Sub

Public Sub discriptionAmount()

On Error Resume Next

Set rst = New Recordset

rst.Open "select * from billmast where discription = '" & Combo1 & "'", Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If rst.EOF Or rst.BOF = True Then Exit Sub

txtpa = rst!amount

Set rst = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub blank()

txtRegNo = ""

TxtBedNo = ""

Text2 = ""

txtbal = ""

txtbl = ""

txtla = ""

TxtPatientName = ""

txtte = ""

Text3 = ""

txttp = ""

Text4 = ""

End Sub

Private Sub CmdNew_Click()

Call blank

Call incrementBillNo

cmdedit.Caption = "&Edit"

EditMode = False

CmdDelete.Enabled = False

cmdprint.Enabled = False

CmdSave.Enabled = True

Command5.Enabled = False

Set BillSrch.BoundTextBox = Nothing


MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(0) = 0

MSFlexGrid1.Rows = 1

MSFlexGrid1.Cols = 3

MSFlexGrid1.FormatString = "SR. No | Description | Amount"

CmdSave.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub CmdClose_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub CmdPrint_Click()

On Error Resume Next


DataEnvironment1.Recordsets.Item("command9").Open "select id,discription,amount from opdbilldetail where id=" & Val(txtRegNo) & "", Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

OpdBillReport.Sections(1).Controls("label2").Caption = txtbl

OpdBillReport.Sections(1).Controls("label12").Caption = DTPicker

OpdBillReport.Sections(1).Controls("label6").Caption = txtRegNo

OpdBillReport.Sections(1).Controls("label8").Caption = TxtPatientName

OpdBillReport.Sections(1).Controls.Item("label57").Caption = hos_name

OpdBillReport.Sections(1).Controls.Item("label58").Caption = hos_add

OpdBillReport.Sections(5).Controls("label25").Caption = Text3

OpdBillReport.Sections(5).Controls("label26").Caption = Val(txtte) - Val(Text3)

OpdBillReport.Sections(5).Controls("label28").Caption = txtbal

OpdBillReport.Sections(5).Controls("label30").Caption = txtla

If Val(Text3) > 0 Then

OpdBillReport.Sections(5).Controls("label23").Visible = True

OpdBillReport.Sections(5).Controls("label25").Visible = True

End If


End Sub

Private Sub TxtRegNo_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

On Error Resume Next

If KeyAscii = 13 Then

If txtRegNo = "" Then Exit Sub

Set rst = New Recordset

rst.Open "select * from OPD where RegNo = " & Me.txtRegNo & "", Conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If rst.EOF = False Then

Me.TxtPatientName = rst!Title & " " & rst!FName & " " & rst!MName & " " & rst!LName

TxtDoctor = rst!docincharge

End If



End If

End Sub

Private Sub TxtRegNo_LostFocus()

Call TxtRegNo_KeyPress(13)

End Sub

Private Sub txttp_Change()

If txttp = "" Then

txttp = 0

txtbal = Val(Text2) - Val(txttp)

Exit Sub


txtbal = Val(Text2) - Val(txttp)

End If

End Sub