In our project I have used RAD model. Rapid application development (RAD) is an incremental software development process model; that emphasizes an extremely short development cycle. The RAD model is a “high-speed” adaptive of the linear sequential model in which rapid development is achieved by using components-based construction. If requirements are well understood and project scope is constraint, the RAD process enables a development team to create a “fully functional system “ with in very short time periods. The RAD approach encompasses the following phase:

o Business modeling

o Data modeling

o Process modeling

o Application modeling

o Testing and turnover

Business modeling:

Business modeling solves the following question in our project.

o What information drives the business process?

o What information is generated?

o Where does the information go?

o Who process it?

The goal of business process engineering is to define architectures that will enable a business to use information effectively. In our project I have determined, three different architecture of business objective and goals:

o Data architecture

o Application architecture

o Technology architecture

Data architecture:

The data architecture provides framework for our project, to develop a business function. The individual building blocks of the architecture are the data objects that are used by the business. Data objects contain a set of attributes that define some aspect, quality, characteristics, or descriptor of the data that are being described.

For example an information engineer might define the data object “PATIENT”. To more fully describe “PATIENT”, the following attribute are defined:




Company Name

Job classification & Purchase authority

Business addresses and contact information

Product interest(s)

Past purchase



Status of control

Once a set of data objects is defined, their relationships are identified. A RELATIONSHIP indicates how objects are connected to one another. Example: Now I am describing only one example of relationship among all the relationship, consider the Objects: CUSTOMER and PRODUCT A. The relationship PURCHASE; customer purchases A that a customer purchase product A or product can connect the two objects. The object flows between business functions, and organized within a database and transformed to provide information that serves the needs of the business.

Application architecture:

In this concept we determine those element that transform objects within the data architecture for some business purpose. We consider the relationship architecture to be the system of program that performs this transaction. In our project context, the application architecture might incorporate the role of customer/vender and business procedures that have not been automated.

Technology infrastructure:

The Technology infrastructures provide the foundation for the data and application architectures. This includes computers, operating systems, network, and links storage. In our project we use Windows 98 as operating system, SQL SERVER 2000 for data storage, and security. For GUI we use VISUAL BASIC 6.0.

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