
Below are some of my thoughts or Fb posts about abortion.

TBH, if you actually believe abortion of a non-viable fetus is murder (which I don't), then there would be no reason to support it except in the case of saving the mother's life. And that's not far off from stating masturbation or condoms or any form of birth control is murder of the sperm. I very much disagree there should be an "abortion court" which is what Israel's policy sounds like to me. Of course, Israel also doesn't recognize non-Orthodox marriages or allow them to be performed by Reform rabbis. I support Israel's right to exist, but disagree with a lot of their draconian policies. It's also propaganda from the right stating that liberals think viable near-term fetuses should not be born. Hilary does not believe that. 90% of abortions are done in the first trimester (most very early in that trimester, 99% are done before 20 weeks. Some done after 20 weeks are actually miscarriages, but reported as abortions. People need to get their facts straight. An abortion after 20 weeks is extremely rare, and probably all done for medical reasons. There is so much propaganda out their implying women wait around and then just feel like having an abortion late term. We need real facts, honest sex education at home and school. It starts with fully understanding and having access to birth control. That's how to prevent more abortions. Making it illegal does not prevent them at all. Look it up. It simply makes it more likely that more women (like my great-grandmother) will die or be seriously hurt from trying to obtain one. It's telling that it's men who have been writing and passing these laws. They do not know best. It's a women's difficult choice to make, not anyone else's, and women do not not make that choice easily.

In response to "Don’t get pregnant. You have a choice to abstain. You can stop the man.", I wrote:

It's incredible to me that you suggest everything must always be put on the women. You're telling women that it's 100% up to them to use birth control or abstain. It's up to them to stay pregnant. It's up to them to ward off men. Men need to step up and be responsible. They shouldn't have sex with anyone (including their wife, significant other, friend, girlfriend, whatever) unless they ask the woman if they want it or if they want to get pregnant. And if the answer is yes, they want it, but no, they do not want to get pregnant, the man should always make sure HIS sperm does NOT get in her. Really. All men should have a vasectomy or always use birth control unless they are absolutely 100% certain the women they want to get inside of states 100% she wants to get pregnant. And then if she says yes, and circumstances change, it should still be up to the woman to choose. Period.

In response to this comment, " And you never know, any person that is born could change this world for the better even. With abortion, you don’t know what kind of human we lost, possibly the best." I wrote:

True for any Sperm that didn’t make it. That's why your argument doesn't make sense to me. Every time a man ejaculates, millions of sperm go out. Most months between puberty until menopause an egg comes out. It would be a disaster for every sperm to unite with an egg. And yes, maybe some of those sperms and eggs might have made some awesome person. Or maybe they would make someone like Hitler. We can't ever know that or worry about those "what if"s? Also, there is probably someone awesome born who otherwise would not have been born because the previous month or year their mom was already pregnant. Or maybe someone 19 (with no partner or family around to help) had an abortion because it was the right thing for her at that moment, and later married the perfect husband, became secure, and had 4 amazing children who otherwise would not have been born, one who did something so profound in the world that we don't even yet know about it. Maybe men should never ejaculate unless it's to try and get someone pregnant for fear of wasting their one sperm bound for greatness. I'm grateful I was able to get pregnant and bring 3 beautiful children into this world. But I certainly am glad I didn't have to get pregnant every 9 months of my child-bearing years just in case I might produce some genius who might save the world. I know a couple where the woman became pregnant before they were married. They decided to have an abortion because they wanted to have children after they were married when they were ready and there would be no stigma. They got married, had children, and those children became productive, happy members of society. I am very glad they were born. It's quite possible none of them might have been born had they had the child out of wedlock. It's the butterfly effect. You really never know.