
1. Music and videos of dances taught

You can download the music and videos from Google Drive:

The videos are also being uploaded to YouTube, for your added convenience:

We learned 9 dances at camp! They were:

2. Photos and #nirkoda

The photos that Loui took are in the following Google Drive folder:

You are welcome use these photos on Facebook, Instagram, etc., but if you upload to social media, please credit Loui Tucker. I would invite you to use the hashtag #nirkoda. If you want a high-resolution version of any particular photo, please email Loui to request it. Loui tried very hard to get photos of each participant, but sometimes, the photos may have come out blurry or poorly lighted, and they were deleted. We apologize if anyone was missed.

3. Playlists

The playlists have been posted in .docx and .pdf formats in the following Google Drive folder. This includes specialty sessions (except international, which was done on a different computer) and evening parties.