Song/Video : Seed of the Living Tree

Song/Video : Seed of the Living Tree

Article posted here on 1-6-2012

Video posted in Youtube on 30-5-2012

Link to song/video "Seed of the Living Tree" :


Recently, I made some videos on the articles which I wrote. So, I wanted to make some video clips of myself (which I could use to introduce myself as the speaker, at the end of the videos). My son had taken some videos, during our holidays, and I decided to use some of those video. I selected the portions which I wanted and turned them into short video clips. I inserted a BK song as a background for these. When, I put the song and the clips together, I was shocked to see that the words of the song matched very well with what I was doing in the video clips. 

In the arrangement of the video clips, there were 2 video clips taken near the sea-side (with the Ocean view). The word “Ocean” (sung in the song) co-incided with these 2 Ocean video clips. Though the arrangement seems so well matched, the scenes in the video does not explain the actual meaning of what is being sung. For example, the Ocean in the song does not refer to the physical ocean (as it is represented in the video). The Ocean, in the song, refers to God and His Mighty Powers.

The scenes of the trees, in the video, seem to flow along well with the words “Seed of the living tree” (in the song). However, the living tree, in the song, is not the trees. The living tree represents the corporeal world in which the human souls live their life. It is as if a new corporeal tree is growing in the Confluence Age, now, as we make spiritual effort to transform the world into a divine world. Since the tree is growing, it is living. The Seed represents God. Through using God (as the Seed), the new corporeal world is growing now (though it is not visible as yet in the corporeal form). Since God is used for the new living tree to grow, God is referred to as the Seed of the Living Tree.

The up-ward climb, in the song, is not climbing up the stairs as was done in the video. The upward climb represents the spiritual climb up the World Ladder, towards the creation of the new world. The upward climb refers to the spiritual strengthening of the soul.

The path to freedom, in the song, is not the path along the park. The path to freedom is the spiritual path which we are taking, in the Confluence Age, so as to reach the pure world of the Golden Age (where we enjoy freedom in everyway).

In the song, as the words “new way” or “journey” is sung, the scene is of a pathway in the park. This was not what was meant in the song. The Confluence Aged Raja Yogi’s “new way” or “journey” is also not one among the trees (as we had introduced for bhakti during the Copper Age). The “new way” and “journey”, mentioned in the song, is the spiritual journey.