THANK YOU Contributors!

A Tremendous Thank you for your support!

"raould" -- Cool-cat who has contributed to my SGI LCD experimentation.

DaveDarko -- The coolest-cat from If you been there, you know him. He's a great guy. And awesome projects too!

"matrixcat3d" -- Two-Time donor! This cool-cat, "MatrixCat," appeared at just the right time to get cat-supplies. Totally weird, but totally appreciated.

Russel -- Another cool-cat, who has done some pretty cool things. Check out his Solar Rechargeable Flashlights for the World.

Fernando -- A friend from Mexico interested in driving an old PowerBook G3's LCD with an ATtiny85, awesome :)

Sebastian Eckert -- found my site from, in Germany(!?). I'mma have to check that site, and brush up on my German!

Nicola -- Awesome timing, Thanks! If you get that site running again, I'll be more than happy to link it here! Nicola's also interested in trying out driving an old laptop-LCD. Too cool.

"From a person who donates, in the pursuit of science and hackerdom" -- A very generous donation with a very worthy cause I'm not sure *I* am worthy of... Muchas gracias! A bit of interest in the ol' sdramThing. Very cool, Thank You, my recently-drenched friend! May the weather be with you.

Barry -- An interesting fellow with a great sense of humor. Interested in my display-driving skillset for retrofitting old CNC equipment. A worthy goal inundated with countless implementation/hack-ideas that keep popping into my head, probably much to his frustration. Thanks for taking it in stride, my new friend!

Jaromir -- Another awesome guy from Check out the link, he's got some excellent projects, and knows quite a bit about PIC microcontrollers!

Brent -- This guy... deserves a whole page in his honor!

Michael 'Mintman' -- Has some great ideas for making his laptop more useful, found my LVDS knowledge helpful. Definitely interested in seeing the progress! He's got a site which looks like it was quite cool.

Also -- The considerate staff over at and who've written about my works and voted for them in contests, and otherwise provide a pretty cool internet-community-space :)

Woot! Thanks, Y'all!

(Please Join The List! All the Cool Kids are doing it!)