I can feel you cleaning yourself

Post date: Sep 27, 2020 6:48:25 AM

I came back from a search to a familiar sensation I don't know that I really thoroughly acknowledged in the past...

The van seemed to be rocking very slightly and rhythmically when I sat. It continued for some time, varying its rhythm, several long several short, varying speed/intensity. Took me a minute to place...

The past three years I've literally /felt/ nearly every of his moves. I hadn't really thought of that before. That sensation reminded me of his cleaning himself; short fast when digging deep down to his undercoat, long sustained when straightening his long outer-fur. The action literally vibrates the whole van on its shocks.

As does, more obviously, his running and jumping. His tail-wagging, which he likes to exaggerate his mood sometimes, "what's up, twitchy-tail?" can literally rock the van so much that the leaves on my plants start swaying.

I don't know what caused tonight's sensation; wind, a nearby engine, maybe a twitch in my back... but it was quite pleasant, and saddening at the same time. For a minute I was almost certain he was here cleaning himself. Then I just allowed myself to believe it for an hour or so...