8086/8088 Instructions

This is the 8086/8088 instructions sortable in a table by their arguments, by their op-code, etc.

(I needed it this way for my "Improbable Secret Project").

This is, basically, "Table 4-12.8086 Instruction Encoding" from the "Intel iAPX 86,88 User's Manual"

(The copies I found online weren't directly copy-paste-able, so maybe my hours of hand-entry will help someone...)

For your copy/paste pleasure... paste 'er into a spreadsheet and sort however you please.


(Except maybe the guarantee that I've made and/or transferred-over some mistakes. Do feel free to email me corrections!).

I wouldn't mind if you happened to link this page, if you happen to use it somewhere... It'd be nice... In fact, lemme know if you do-so, and I'll happily link your project on this page.

(And, sorry for the shameless plug, but a donation would be *EXCELLENT*)

() indicates these bytes are only part of the instruction if mod so-indicates. Otherwise, the following bytes are shifted...

[] indicates maybe a typo in the original Table 4-12. There should be a fix nearby compiled from other tables/documents/[mis]understanding

(I'm no web-dev expert, this was laid-out on a screen-width of 1280 pixels... What a waste so much space is used-up by blank-stuff on the right, and left, for that matter).

Here's another resource I've found... Unfortunately wasn't quite right for my needs, but may be helpful to ye:
