I Miss You Buddy

Butthead chose his name [the story is very endearing, and has nothing to do with MTV] and also chose me nearly six years ago. In that time, we've been together nearly every minute of every day... He truly is my companion, my second-half, my partner, my significat-other [hah! That was not intentional].

We do nearly everything together, from his keeping me company while working on these projects, to literally going on hikes... yes, hiking with a cat.

We've gone through trying-times, and together we've grown accustomed to the new life"style" that circumstances forced on us. I've always given my buddy the freedom to choose if living with me is too hard for him, as it has proven to be for most my family and friends. Yet he's always made it very clear, even during our toughest trials and with so many other options, that he wants to be with me.

On August 15, 2020, Butthead disappeared... just vanished with no warning, and without a trace, in an unfamiliar area with only a store's parking-spot and a few bushes to call "home territory" to find and return to.

He wasn't acting strange. In fact, over the prior months I thought we'd been growing even closer with new games-of-trust.

For a month and a half, now, I've been doing everything I can to try to find him... there've been countless hurdles from nearby wildfires making the air almost intolerable to wind, rain and lightning storms, to a city-ordinance that removes fliers, nevermind a presumptuous and deceitful cop. The internet seems so promising, yet there are well over a dozen resources I've found, so far, countless groups on facebook alone, to keep checking for local "found" postings, and similar for places to post "lost" postings. Keeping track of them all is a tremendous task, and some have literally taken hours to scroll-through back to the date he disappeared. Nevermind weirdness with comments on shares not going to the original poster. My phone, too, has started acting-up, shutting-down without warning, and I've always had crapshoot-like luck with sending/receiving text/mms-messages, often with no notice of failure, regardless of my service-provider/phone-model [does it need "+1" or 1?], which makes things especially difficult in this era of so many folk texting before calling, or sending a photo of a sighting. I've also recently been informed local shelters [of which there are several] sometimes pass their overflow to the city's/state shelters, opening up an even *vaster* search-area.

Meanwhile I'm juggling actually looking for him, knowing him to be wary of strangers, and trying to figure out how to reach out to thousands[?] of local neighbors in just a few blocks of where he disappeared, without being able to post fliers and without having a local address for things like "nextdoor" and the town's facebook group, in an era when local newspapers either no longer exist, or are seldom looked at. Nevermind how far he may've gotten in so long. This is daunting and exhausting to say the least.

I love you, buddy... please find me soon.

Five and a half months — Jan 31, 2021 2:24:55 AM

I can feel you cleaning yourself — Sep 27, 2020 6:48:25 AM

The night of the disappearance — Sep 26, 2020 2:19:59 PM

Everything... — Sep 26, 2020 1:34:02 PM

Hide n seek — Sep 26, 2020 12:57:08 PM

I'm so worried — Sep 26, 2020 12:29:22 PM