Apartment Gardening

I was once called "quite the green-thumb", everything from cacti to african violets... Mostly given to me by neighbors, and friends. We also bugged a neighbor with a large lot to let us plant a garden one year.

My indoor-garden has shrunk quite a bit since then... but it's regrown (haha) since I left most of it at of the 'rents'.

I have a hard time throwing away seeds when they're already growing. Oddly, I've found everything from apples full of growing seeds to avocado-pits with roots.

Currently, I've four two-to-three foot tall avocado trees, an apple (the lone survivor from twelve already-growing seeds), a christmas cactus which has been passed-down from clippings of clippings for years... Also an orchid I found near-dead which seems to have revived itself and is growing a new leaf, and a "Calanchoe" which I haven't watered for months yet still keeps living. (I dunno what to do with it, it's alive, but not in *any way* resembling its former self, but this was the case long before I stopped watering it).

Ode to the deceased (or otherwise-missing):

Mango: That dang thing was already growing in the shell, thought I had something going there. Got a few inches tall, two separate stalks, but eventually its roots rotted and I couldn't do anything with it.

All those apples: I'm not exaggerating, there were *twelve* already-growing-seeds found in apples a year ago... threw them all in the same pot, and only one survived.

"Convolutious"... I was learning about "Convolution" in school, and it seemed so damned-convoluted... Around the same time I planted this peach-pit which grew well but had the weirdest leaves; they grew in spirals, as though they'd had triangles cut-out and glued back together. It was really strange. I dubbed the tree "Convolutious." Then one night I took pictures from all sides and accidentally threw them into a panoramic-photo-stitching program... I'd intended to stitch some other photos, but dropped the wrong folder. Created quite the groovy photograph, which was all that much more convoluted than the plant itself. And I seem to have lost it :/ Last I saw the plant, it was about two feet tall and finally growing normal leaves. Unfortunately, I lost the plant in a move.

Will they fruit?

I have no idea... I mean, it's weird enough they were already growing in their fruit, so my entire sense of normal has been thrown. From all best-guesses they shouldn't've been growing until at least the next season, long after the fruit had rotted. Likewise, it would be equally surprising if I ever got any avocados from my trees *in this climate*. OTOH, I've located a fruiting Fig Tree and a fruiting Kiwi (vine?) in people's yards within the city, and eaten from both of them... so who knows. Apples are grown in my state and the vast-majority of those seeds didn't survive. I've gotten the most growth from my avocados during the shortest (and coldest) days of the year in a climate they're not at all well-suited for... The world's upside-down. Whatever happens, it's pretty cool to see 'em grow.