
stdin_nonBlock allows for non-blocking access to stdin

Say you've a loop in main() that should do something regardless of whether a keypress occurs... but also process keypresses when they occur. The normal getchar()-based functions cause the loop to stop and wait until data is available, stdin_nonBlock does not. Instead, it returns immediately. If data's not available, it returns -1.

Unfortunately, it does not (yet?) handle individual keypresses... each entry needs to be followed by "Return" before stdin_nonBlock will recognize the data.

// Basic Functionality:

// NOTE: this still requires return be pressed before the data's available

// Return *will* be emitted by stdinNB_getChar()

// So in most cases we'll get at least two chars (in two calls)

// main()

// {

// stdinNB_init();


// while(1) {

// int kbChar = stdinNB_getChar();

// switch(kbChar) {

// case -1:

// //do nothing

// break;

// case 'a': ...

// }


// ..Do other main-loop things, without waiting for keyboard input..

// }

// }


