Jim Jones

I met Jim at Radio Shack when I was working there.  I can't recall if he was working at the repair center at that time, but I think he may have been working at one of the stores.  I do recall that I had him on my payroll at the Kyrene and Warner Radio Shack store in Tempe, Arizona for a while (it closed shortly after I left in 1995).  Didn't work out well for him, so he went back to the repair center, I believe in 1994.  Last place that I knew he worked was at Staples (office supplies).

Tragically, we lost Jim to cancer on September 20, 2010 at the ripe young age of 58. due to complications of brain surgery he had to undergo.  In fact, Jim and Richard DeRose had talked with each other on many occasions.  I don't believe they were friends exactly, but they were acquainted.  Jim is now a "Silent Key" according to the ham radio community...his vanity call sign was N7PHX and has since been grabbed up by the Mesa (Arizona) Radio Club.

If, per chance, someday you hear him out there somewhere on the ether airwaves, say HI from Gil, KE9F (formerly KT9OUT and WE5ABQ). In the photo, Jim is on the left with two of his ham radio buddies. 

Jim Jones