

Make the most of your year and cherish every moment.  You will blink twice and you will be walking across the stage.  Do your best and have no regrets!

College and Career Ready

Postsecondary Readiness is the attainment of the necessary knowledge, skills, and dispositions for a student to successfully transition to the next level of his or her educational career.  

Senate Bill 59 (2022) requires that postsecondary readiness for each high school student, be measured by ONE of the following indicators that are intended to signal a student's readiness for the next step in their postsecondary plans, whether that be pursuit of college coursework and/or entry into the workforce:

GCHS West Kentucky Work Ethic Seal/Cord

Students receiving the Work Ethic Seal should have an advantage when seeking employment as it easily identifies potential employees with a demonstrated work ethic. Listed on college applications it shows that the student has learned the value of active participation in school, and identifies the student as one who will regularly attend class and work hard at their education. 

Students must meet the requirements or be in compliance with each qualifier below to earn the West Kentucky Work Ethic Seal/Cord.  

Students must satisfactorily complete and return an application by the due date in order to receive this recognition.     





DEADLINE:  TBA at the Senior meeting toward the end of the year!

Official Versus Unofficial Transcript

Unofficial and official transcripts usually look quite similar and contain the same exact content. However, official transcripts are usually marked by distinctive seals or tamper-proof markings. Often, an official transcript will also be enclosed in a separate interior envelope, too. This envelope is also sealed.

The point of all of this security is so that college admissions officials – or whoever else chooses to read the transcript – knows that it has not been altered or tampered with in any way. Usually, official transcripts need to be sent directly by your high school to their final destination.

However, you can also print off a copy of your unofficial transcript. While official transcripts are generally required for colleges to make final admissions decisions, an unofficial transcript will tell you everything you might want to know about your own grades, too.

High schools usually have the ability to send electronic transcripts that are considered official, too. They usually do this by emailing the transcript directly to the requestor. Forwarded official transcripts, along with electronic transcripts that are printed and then rescanned, are both considered unofficial.

You will usually be required to pay for copies of official transcripts (though not always), while unofficial transcripts are typically free and unlimited.