"The mind is like a muscle - the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets and the more it can expand." 

Idowu Koyenikan

Mindfulness has become a buzzword. Which means we might dismiss it. We might write it off as the latest fad to follow (and we don’t follow fads). But mindfulness really can help us to lead calmer, more fulfilling lives. It can brighten the most humdrum of moments because we realize the real wonder these moments hold. 

Pick an exercise that resonates with you, and see what happens!

The Scoop About Mindfulness:

In-the-Moment Strategies

Long-Term Strategies

Eleven Helpful APPS to Download for Mental Health

Stigma (For Android and iPhone) This app is inspired by our personal struggles with anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder. This app provides you a safe way to build your support network, journal what is on your mind, and keep track of your mood.