Governor's School for the ARTS

Governor’s School for the Arts (GSA)

Artistically-talented sophomores and juniors should apply in late fall for this three-week summer enrichment program at a Kentucky college which emphasizes music, art, drama, and writing. Teachers of arts and visual arts can explain the program. NOTE: MANY Kentucky colleges offer varying scholarships to GSP and GSA participants. Check with the college of your choice. Initial application is online. Deadline is at the end of December.

GSA (Governor’s School for the Arts)

What: A three week intensive arts program where students engage in daily seminars, master classes, lectures, hands-on activities, workshops and field trips.

When: Usually in June/July

Art Forms:

Important Dates:  Dates change each year so be sure to look online for deadlines.   Application deadline is usually in January.  Applications usually go live in November.