
Michael Gallerno

I am researching the Benjamin Galerno Tree. It began as a minor interest in helping my father get through some brick walls in the research process and it has since evolved into this family community project. In 2008, Ricky Alan Gallerno and I began communicating through Facebook just because of the family name and we have since logged some ridiculous amount of hours collecting information and sharing the experience. The funny thing is, we have yet to meet face to face.

Other names I am researching include; Jones, Knight, Moody, Cascadden, Sauvé, Dallaire, Laflamme

The project has given me the opportunity to interact with some amazing people.

Ricky Alan Gallerno

I as well am researching the Benjamin Galerno family tree .Joseph Francis Galerno or Galarneau seems to be a mystery as he never shows up in census records living with Benjamin his father....I have always been interested in the Gallerno surname and I am thankful to have fellow researchers a click away..I would also like to thank Michael Gallerno for his time and geneology expertise with out him we would not have these amazing sites to share .......Two things I can be certain of 1) we will find more on Benjamin Galerno 2) I will get to meet Michael one day......

Joe Galarneau