This week! FGSO coffee break, meeting, and happy hour

Post date: Nov 3, 2015 7:08:27 PM

Here are some reminders about this week's activities! You can also check out updates on the FGSO website or Facebook group.

1. Coffee break every Tuesday and Thursday

Take a break in the Newins-Ziegler 3rd floor lounge at 2:30. There will be coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and candy available. The more the merrier!

2. Important FGSO meeting - Thursday Nov 5th @ 4pm in NZ 135

We are looking to for Forestry and Geomatics graduate students to be part of the FGSO Steering Committee. Members will have small but important roles for the upcoming semester. Some of these roles include:

  • organizing fun social outings
  • updating the FGSO website
  • handling FGSO funds
  • community projects
  • helping organize the Graduate Student Symposium

Other things on the agenda:

  • Fall lunch, Nov 19th
  • Lounge grade
  • ​FGSO service projects - trail building, food drive

All graduate students are encouraged to come to learn about what's going on in your department! As always, pizza and drink will be provided.

3. Happy Hour - Thursday Nov 5th, 5:30-7pm, Big Lou's

Join fellow SFRC grad students for Happy Hour at Big Lou's in downtown. FGSO will provide the first round of beverages.

Minutes Meeting Nov 5