GSS 2017
April 7th, 2017
8:30 am - 4:30 pm - Keynote & oral presentations at the Straughn Center
5:00 - 7:00 pm - Poster session at First Mag
Symposium program | Registration form | Sign up to volunteer | Directions and parking
8:30-9:00 Registration and Snacks
9:00-9:15 Opening Remarks
9:15-10:15 Session 1:
5 - 7 pm
Awards ceremony will also occur during this time.
- Tracey Ritchie. “Increasing Teacher Self-Efficacy in Systems Thinking Through Professional Development.” (Advisor: Dr. Martha Monroe)
- Cassandra Ward. “Understanding Visitors’ Attitudes and Preferences to Better Integrate Recreation into Wildland-urban Interface Conservation Areas.” (Advisor: Dr. Taylor Stein)
- Le’a Dawes-Vaeth. “Analyzing Public Participation in Tree Giveaways: Urban Forestry Planning and Policy with a Special Emphasis on Environmental Justice.” (Advisor: Dr. Alison Adams)
10:15-10:30 Break 1
10:30-11:30 Session 2:
- Beatriz Lopez Gutierrez. “Effects of land cover and use on water quality in the Osa Peninsula and the Golfito region, Costa Rica.”
- Paul Decker. “Catchment Hydrology and Solute Export Response in a Low-Relief Landscape.”
- YinTse Huang. “Survey of Geosmithia Species in the Southeast United States.”
11:30-11:45 Break 2
11:45-12:30 Keynote Speakers: Dr. Eben Broadbent & Dr. Jason Vogel
12:30-1:45 Lunch
1:45-2:45 Session 3:
- Anne Saville. “Seeking Justice: Environmental Justice, Lupus, and Lake Apopka.” (Advisor: Dr. Alison Adams)
- David Hanson. “Exploring the Drivers of Remittance payments amongst Caribbean-origin College students and Recent alumni.” (Advisor: Dr. Alison Adams)
- Ramesh Paudyal. “Role of activity of participation, knowledge, and ecological information on recreationists’ perceptions of prescribed burning and visit satisfaction.” (Advisor: Dr. Taylor Stein)
2:45-3:00 Break 3
3:00-4:00 Session 4:
- Sarah Graves. “Testing the relationship between canopy reflectance and tree growth for canopy trees in North Central Florida.”
- Hermudananto. “Analysis of Corrective Action Requests from Forest Stewardship Council Audits of Natural Forest Management in Indonesia.”
- Paulo Moreno and Sebastian Palmas. “Compatible Individual and Stand Growth Modeling on Nothofagus Forests in Southern Chile.”
4:00-4:15 Closing Remarks
April 5th, 2017
Program published
March 25th, 2017
Call for GSS volunteers (sign up here)
March 16th, 2017
Call for Faculty of the Year nominations - due March 23rd!
Update poster session time
March 13th
Abstract deadline extended to March 20th
Feb 27th
First call for abstracts
Registration open (register here)