FGSO First Thursday and GSS announcements

Post date: Mar 30, 2015 9:00:12 PM

First Thursday, April 2nd

Join us for the last monthly FGSO meeting and happy hour of the semester!

Meeting agenda:

  • Intros and pizza
  • GSS prep
  • Silent auction action for spring symposium
  • FGSO service awards (logistics, awards will be given at the GSS)
  • FGSO shindig

Graduate Student Symposium

Abstracts and faculty of the year nominations due Friday April 4th at 5pm

GSS abstracts

The SFRC Graduate Student Symposium (GSS) is Friday April 10th at the Austin Cary Learning Center. If you are participating in the event with an oral or poster presentation, please send you abstract to Sarah Graves (sjgraves @ ufl.edu). Please include the title of your talk or poster, all authors and affiliations, and your abstract (<250 words).

Outstanding Faculty of the Year nominations

Student and faculty awards will be presented at the GSS. Each year SFRC students select the Outstanding Faculty of the Year and present them with an award. We need nominations from YOU (forestry graduate students) for this faculty award. To nominate a faculty member, please write a short nomination letter explaining how this person has contributed to graduate students in the categories of scholarship, mentorship, and service.

Faculty nominations can be submitted with this link: : http://goo.gl/forms/TbkZSmTxXo

Spring Celebration

Silent auction items needed

FGSO will hold a silent auction at the SFRC Spring Celebration on Saturday April 11th. Last year we raised over $500 which has allowed FGSO to award service scholarships to graduate students involved in FGSO. We need help acquiring nice items for this years silent auction. If you have a favorite business in Gainesville, please consider asking them to donate an item or service. If you would like a letter template for contacting businesses, please email Maggie Clifford at mclifford @ ufl.edu

Meeting - 4:00pm, NZ 135

Happy hour - 5:30pm, First Magnitude