January 8th - FGSO First Thursday!
Post date: Jan 5, 2015 7:36:02 PM
Please join us for the first meeting of the spring semester on this Thursday January 8th at 4pm - it'll be a good one! Read below for details on the meeting agenda and info about elections.
Remember, you are eligible for the FGSO service scholarship by attending these meetings -- that's right folks, you could get "paid" to come to this meeting! Mark you calendars for the other meetings this semester! These dates are on the FGSO calendar found on the home page. Each meeting will be followed by a happy hour at 5:30pm!
February 5th
March 12th
April 2nd
Meeting agenda:
4pm - pizza, greetings
4:10pm - report from Damian on lounge upgrades (we got $$ to beautify the lounge!) & coffee breaks
4:25pm - elections & who will do what (see below for details)
4:40pm - scholarships/travel grants (how else can we leverage/give back with FGSO+ funds?)
4:55pm - concluding remarks, set agenda for next meeting.
5pm - walk/ride/bus/drive over to happy hour at First Magnitude Brewery!
FGSO elections:
We will elect FGSO officers at this meeting. There are a lot of opportunities to get involved. These activities do not require much time, but help you become more involved in the group and the department. Below are a list of the common activities we need covered. At the meeting you will nominate yourself to take charge of 1 or more of these activities. Once we have all the nominations, everybody present will vote.
FGSO "positions"
- plan First Thursday meetings and events (president)
- manage FGSO funds (treasurer)
- maintain FGSO website (webmaster)
- record meeting attendance and minutes (secretary)
- represent SFRC at GSC and GAU meetings
- help plan department Spring Celebration event
- organize silent auction for Spring Celebration - this is how we earn all of our money!!
- organize faculty evaluations
- plan other social activities (ex. daily coffee hour, camping or hiking, sporting events)