Call for nominations for Forestry and Geomatics "Outstanding Faculty of the Year"

Post date: Mar 20, 2015 3:50:11 PM

Each year the graduate students in SFRC honor an “Outstanding Faculty” member from each major. This award is intended to recognize faculty members who have had a positive influence on the SFRC graduate student experience over the past year. The award is given based upon the nominations received from graduate students. The SFRC Forestry Graduate Student Organization (FGSO) and the Students United for Research in Fisheries (SURF) will consider all nomination letters in the decision-making process. The faculty member could be your adviser, a member of your committee, or a particularly important teacher or mentor from this past year at SFRC. The award will be presented to the faculty during the Graduate Student Symposium on April 10th.Nominations are due on April 3rd at 5pm.

FGSO will consider the following selection criteria specific to inspiring or influencing graduate students over the PAST YEAR:

Scholarship (40%)

What about this faculty member’s work over the past year (considering their appointment: i.e. research, teaching and/or extension) has been particularly inspiring or influential to you as a graduate student? How have they promoted scholarship in graduate students?

Mentorship (40%)

What has this faculty member done over the past year to help you, as a graduate student, achieve your academic and/or professional goals? What about their approach has been particularly helpful?

Service (20%)

How has this faculty member gone above and beyond the call of duty (i.e. not in the expected capacity of their primary appointment) to serve the SFRC and its graduate students? What is different about the graduate student experience over the last year at SFRC because of this faculty member?

To nominate a faculty member, please write a short (< 350 words) nomination letter highlighting the 3 aspects mentioned above. Nominations can be submitted through the form to the right (also found at this link: