
Google doc: http://j.mp/2xKleH3

Facebook Event page

Location: The meeting is online using Zoom video conferencing software. Click on the link to enter the call from your computer.





  • Facilitator: Edwin

  • Time Keeper: Dave

  • Empathy Circle Facilitators:

  • Presenters:


Building a more Empathic and Caring Culture and Society.

Does that intention work for everyone?

( ) 1. Introductions (1 min)

Who are you? and

Why are you interested in Building an Empathic Culture?

( ) 2. Meeting overview

  • Introductions (1 min)

  • Do empathy circle practice

  • Past Actions Reports

    • Empathy Tent at Free-speech week

  • Ongoing Projects Reports

  • Any items for the agenda?

( ) Empathy Circles Practice

(30 min, practice) (3 min)

Empathic Listening (active listening) is a core practice we do at the empathy tent.

We want everyone to become comfortable and skillful with the practice so that you can;

  • Know how to effectively take part in a empathy circle.

  • Learn to facilitate an empathy circle.

  • Listen well to others in the tent.

  • Be able to use active listening to mediate conflicts.

Purpose for doing it at the beginning of the meeting is to:

  1. Have a time/space to talk about, share and get support for what’s going on in our lives. It's about us being activist, and being nourished and supported in the practice.

  2. Chance for all team members to feel heard

  3. A process for internal conflict resolution.

  4. Chance to practice

  5. Develop, innovate and refine the empathy circle practice.

Divide into groups of 4

  • What Question could we ask?

    • ?

    • What is a feeling of concern, worry or anxiety you are dealing with?

    • or What is alive in you now?

Gather in larger group: How was that? (15 sec)

( ) 5. Ongoing Projects Reports (20 min)

    • ( ) Dave - Article

  • ( ) Lou - Introductory Empathy Circle Video

  • ( ) Pablo, Indi, Edwin - James Damore Empathy Circle

  • ( ) Hold more Empathy Circles with the left.

  • ( ) Next - Empathy Tent Popups

( ) What would you like to work on?

go around the circle

    1. Virginia - Cornell West -

      1. friends -

    2. Bill -

    3. Bob -

    4. Pablo, Indi - Damore

( ) 5. Closing. (1 min)

A. How did the meeting feel

B. and how would you like it to feel?