2017-07-26 meeting
Empathy Tent Team Meeting - Agenda
Intention: Building an Empathic Culture and Society.
1. Introductions
What are you interested in the Empathy Tent Team?
2. Meeting overview
Any items for the agenda?
3.A Do empathy circles at the beginning of each meeting (50 min, practice)
This is a core practice we do at the empathy tent . We want everyone to become comfortable with it so that you can listen, be able to facilitate an empathy circle and be able to use active listening to mediate conflicts.
Purpose for doing it at the beginning of the meeting is to:
have a time/space to talk about, share and get support for what’s going on in our lives. It's about us being activist, and being nourished and supported in the process.
to practice the process
develop and refine the empathy circle process.
it's the process for internal conflict resolution.
This is only a first step and an important first step that helps in all the following steps.
We ask the question, What is a feeling of concern, stress, anxiety or fear you are experiencing?
This question because, Empathy is about an awareness of ones own and others felt experience. So we want to tap into these feelings and address them.
3.B Do a role play. 10 min (Dave)
What is a conflict role pay you would like?
conservative and progressive.
Topic: conservative - going at
4. * Any report on Experience facilitating an Empathy Circle during the week.
(10 min)
Online left-right empathy circles
Relationship Active Listening
Announcements - Reports
Alan Alda Book
July 29, Saturday event - planning.
August 26-27 - SF and Civic Center part.
Got email from the city, asked if we are coming. Yes.
Sept - Milo or ???
Ongoing Wednesday meetings - location.
5. What needs to get done for this group to move forward?
What are people's responsibilities and commitments?
What task and concrete assignments would you like to commit to?
What ideas do you have for moving forward?
at to post- it's and place on wall.
Crowd funding?
Occupy Empathy