Sign: Spinner

Get some sign spinners to spin signs at rallies.

They have Signs that say: Empathy is the Way

They could get some really cool images with the other demonstrators in the background.

Sounds like a mime that could take off visually on the internet.

A big part of them is everyone brings signs for attention.

we could take it to the max with Sign Spinners.

We could contact the sign spinners association and see if there are some experts here in the area. They would get some empathy t-shirts and signs that say: ‘Empathy is the Way’ or something like that. They might come out to do it for the visuals of doing the spinning in the middle of a demonstration.. This is a meme that could go viral.

Sign: Spinner Youtube Channel

Goodwill "Sign Spinners" point the way


Amazing Sign Spinner! Liberty Tax Best Waver

You've got to see this roadside sign-spinner

AArrow presents the 2016 World Sign Spinning Championship