40th Anniversary Cabaret - 30 Apr 05

Pipers: Andrew, Angus, Angus, Craig, Jodie, Karina, Malcolm, Peter, Tim and Willie.

Drummers: Claire, David, Deanne, Isobel, Ray, Ted and Willie.

Proof that our guests enjoyed themselves.

Craig and his bairn. Sadly he is looking more like Craig every day.

Tim had one of those quaint old-fashioned film cameras !!!

Willie took his first appearance with the band very seriously.


The drummers.

Andrew, Aimee and Kate.

Thea and Chad - it was great to have their company.

Deanne keeping her eye on the young one ....

Cameron seemed to be enjoying the evening.

The Whitehead Family - Cheryl, Claire and Peter.

Some of the young dancers lining up for the Sword Dance.