Golden Grove Fair -1976

The only significant thing about this event was that a group of black and white photographs were taken, of individuals and the band, which came out with an unmistakable "olde worlde" charm about them!! The reasons for their texture and appearance eluded us, but we later came to refer to them as "The Boer War photographs".

The "Boer War" Pipe Band.

L to R: Bob Kilpatrick, Malcolm Massie, Peter Colliver, Alan Dodds, Bill Hudson, Angus Massie(jun), Young Brechin, 

John Odegaard, Bill Brechin, Neil Mildren, Paul Odegaard, Craig McAinsh, Angus Massie(sen), Marshall Hamon.

Angus Massie (sen).

Angus Massie (jnr).

Bob Kilpatrick