
Science, Technology and Policy Analysis course, STPA

Doctoral Program - Engineering and Public Policy, EPP

IST Técnico, Lisboa

Faculty: Manuel Heitor, Joana Mendonça, Muriel Pádua and Eduardo Beira

This course is aimed to introduce doctoral students to science and technology policy research. It reviews and critically examines a set of problems, assumptions and analytical techniques that are common to research and policy analysis in science, technology and public policy.

2015/16 lectures by EB:

1. December 3

Science, technology and art: discovery and innovation

Assigned readings:

- Polanyi, M., “The Republic of Science: its political and economic impact” (1962) (here)

- Polanyi, M., “Science: academic and industrial” (1961) (here)

(Portuguese translations of both papers are available in the anthology I have published: see here

More about my works related to Michael Polany here).

See also: 

After the class, read also

- Gawande, A., "Slow ideas. Some innovations spread fast. How do you speed the ones that don't?", New Yorker, 29 july 2013 (here)

2. December 10 

Technology, science and public policies: from miasma to tecnocracy


Assigned readings:

- Feenberg, A., Between reason and experience. Essays in technology and modernity, MIT Press, 2010. Read chapter 5, "From information to communication: the French experience with Videotex" (available here)  

- Feenberg, A., "Science, Technology and Democracy: Distinctions and Connections" (2009, here) )(also chapter 2 of Feenberg, A., Tecnologia, modernidade e democracia, organized and translated by me, here)

3. 25 may 2016

Complex engineering systems, decision making and industrialization: Aramis and BR APT

Summary and notes (here)
