olin and utep

(1) Olin College of Engineering: www.olin.edu

Fotos da visita a Olin College (novembro 2016)

President Richard Miller speeches and writings: http://olin.edu/about/presidents-office/speeches

Miller, R., From the ground up: rethinking engineering education for the 21st century, Symposium on Engineering and Liberal Education, Union College, June 2010 (pdf)

Matthews, M., Sink or swim, ASEE Prism, december 2016 (pdf)

Wladawsky-Berger, I., Is design thinking the new liberal arts?, The Wall Street Journal, 4 november 2016 (pdf)

Putnam, B., Art on wheels. The Boston Globe, 24 april 2016 (pdf)

Paliwal, A., Why are wheelchairs more stigmatized than glasses?, Nautilus, 17 march 2016 (pdf)

Mathewson, S., Drones designed to help firefighters mitigate wildfires, HNGN, 13 march 2016 (pdf)

Poshek, B., These students at Olin College built a machine that prints pancakes, The Daily Orange, 27 january 2016 (pdf)

Basken, P., Teaching young engineers to find problems, not just solve them, The Chronicle of higher education, 26 january 2016 (pdf)

The Olin effect, Communities Education, april 2015 (pdf)

Vander Ark, T., Reengineering higher ed: student centered learning at Olin College (pdf)

Engineering at home hopes to help disabled people create their own custom tools, MedGadget, 2004 (pdf)

Olin College of engineering (key facts) (pdf)

Leading the revolution (pdf)

SCOPE: senior capstone program in engineering (pdf)

Innovative engineering education (pdf)

Olin Collaboratory: http://olin.edu/collaborate/collaboratory 

Summer Institutes 2017: Designing for student engagement (pdf)

Olin Colaboratory Summer Institute 2017 (pdf)

Summer Institute 2017, Designing student centered learning experiences: http://olin.edu/collaborate/collaboratory/summer-institute/student-learning-experiences

Portuguese team in Summer Institute 2017: photos

(2) E-LEAD, The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP): http://e-lead.utep.edu

Fotos da visita a UTEP (março 2017)

Bachelors of science in ENGINEERING LEADERSHIP: engineering the future one leader at a time ... to do more than engineering (pdf)

Engineering. The future. One leader at a time (pdf)

The 3 pillars of engineering leadership (pdf)

Engineering Leadership course planning (pdf)