marjorie grene


Marjorie Grene (1957)

Tradução: Eduardo Beira

Abertura (1.1.22)

1. Introdução (27.12.21)

2. Ser e tempo (29.12.21)

3. Heidegger, malgré lui (29.12.21)

4. A herança kantiana (30.12.21)

5. O caminho para ser (31.12.21)

6. Traições (1.1.22)

Nota biográfica e publicações (2.1.22)

Tradução (doc completo)

pdf original: cap. 1-3; 4-6+

txt/ocr do original: cap. 1-3; 4-6+

Review: NYT (1958) (pdf) (ocr pt)

Review: The Thomist (1959) (link) (pt)

Martin Heidegger, por M. Grene,

in Paul Edwards, The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, vol. 3. p. 459-465, 1967 (pdf) (en

 [Tradução: pt]

Grene, M., A Philosophical Testament, 1995 (pdf) (pdf.s)  [Tradução: pt]

    Agradecimentos (pdf.s) [Tradução: pt]

Introduction (pdf.s)  [Tradução: pt]

Part I Knowing

Cap. 1 Knowing, belief and perception (pdf.s)  [Tradução: pt]

Cap. 2 On rereading Kant (pdf.s)  [Tradução: pt]

Cap. 3 Beyond empiricism? (pdf.s) [Tradução: pt]

Part II Being

Cap. 4 Being-in-the-World (pdf.s)  [Tradução: pt]

Cap.5. Darwinian nature (pdf.s) [Tradução: pt]

Cap. 6 The primacy of the real (pdf.s) [Tradução: pt]

Part III Coping

Cap. 7 Perception Reclaimed: The Lessons of the Ecological Approach (pdf.s) [Tradução: pt]

Cap. 8 One Way of Coping: Symbols and Symboling (pdf.s) [Tradução: pt]

Cap. 9 On Our Own Recognizances (pdf.s) [Tradução: pt]

M. Grene, A note on the philosophy of Heidegger, J Philosophy, 1938 (link)

M. Grene,  On Some Distinctions Between Men and Brutes, Ethics, 57 (2), Jan. 1947, 121-127 (doc)

M. Grene, Dreadful freedom. A critique of existencialism, 1948 (pdf) (en)

M. Grene, Heidegger. Philosopher and prophet, 1958 (pdf) (en) (pt)

M. Grene, Personal Knowledge, Encounter, 1958 (pdf) (en) (pt)

M. Grene, Tacit knowing and the pre reflective cogito, 1968 (pdf) (en)

M. Grene, The knower and the known, 1966, 1974 (pdf) (Review, 1966)

M. Grene, M., Interpretations of mind and life, 1971 (pdf)

M. Grene, People and other animals, Philosophical Forum 3 (2):157 (1972)

M. Grene, Aristotle and modern biology, 1972 (link) (doc)

M. Grene, People and other animals (1972) (pdf) (en)

M. Grene, Sartre and the others, presidential address, 1972  (pdf) (en)

M. Grene, Sartre, 1973 (pdf)

M. Grene (ed.), Spinoza. A collection of critical essays, 1973 (pdf)

M. Grene, Tacit Knowing: grounds for a revolution in philosophy (1977) (pdf) (en)

M. Grene, A portrait of Aristoteles, 1979 (pdf)

M. Grene, In and out of Europe, 1976 (link):

Preface (en)

IV. A note on the philosophy of Heidegger, 1938 (en) (pt)

VII. The german existentialists, 1959 (en)

The philosophy of Marjorie Grene (2002) (link) (link);
Sherover, C., On Grene's presentation of Heidegger (link) (pdf) (en);
Reply by Grene (pdf) (en) (pt)

Donagan, A., A. Perovich Jr, M. Wedin (ed.), Human Nature and Natural Knowledge (Essays presented to M Grene ...), 1986 (pdf);
Preface (pdf) (en);
MG In and out of friendship (pdf) (en)
MG bio biblio (pdf) (en);

Woenesser, Heidegger in America, 2011 (pdf)

Wolin, Heidegger's children, 2001 (pdf)

Bruzina e Wilshire (eds.), Phenomenology. Dialogues and bridges, 1982 (pdf)
MG: Landscape, p. 55, (pdf), (en) (pt)
Sherover, p.23, (pdf)

M. Grene papers., ca. 1965-2009, Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library

R. Rorty, Comments on MG "A Philosophical Testament" (West Division APA, april 1996) (pdf)

P. Honenberger, All knowledge is orientation: MG ecological epistemology, 2022 (pdf)

MG LLP notes (doc)

MG, a leading philosopher of biology is dead at 98, New York Times, 2009 (en)

"Eloge: Marjorie Grene, 1910-2009", Isis Vol. 100, No. 4 (December 2009), pp. 856-859 (4 pages) (link)

Marjorie, Matriarchy, and “Wretched Reflection”: A Personal Remembrance of Marjorie Grene, Vassiliki Betty Smocovitis,, Biological Theory 4 (2):191-195 (2009)

Marjorie Grene: Personal Memories Jean Gayon, Biological Theory 4 (2):188-190 (2009)

Not the Only Game in Town.Werner Callebaut - 2009 - Biological Theory 4 (2):107-111.

YouTube: part 1 (link), Part 2 (link), Part 3 (link), Part IV (link)


K. von Maltzahn, Nature as landscape. Dwelling and understanding, 1994 (pdf)

B. Szerszynski, Nature, technology and the sacred, 2005 (pdf)

N. Clark e B. Szerszynski, Progress as learning to live on a self transforming planet, 2022 (pdf)

D. Haraway, Simians, cyborgs and women. The reinvention of nature (1991) (pdf)

H. Arendt, The human condition (1958, 1991) (pdf)

H. Arendt, Between past and future, 1954 (pdf)

Coopmans et al., Representation in scientific practice revisited, 2014 (pdf)

Jones e Galison (eds), Picturing science, producing art, 1998 (pdf)

Ana Francisca Azevedo, A ideia de paisagem, 2008 (pdf)

M. Foucault, The archaeology of knowledge (pdf); L'archeologie du savoir (pdf)

J Appleton, Experience of landscape, 1975 (pdf)

J. Gibson, The ecological approach to visual perception, 1970 (pdf)

J. Gibson, The senses considered as perceptual systems, 1966 (pdf)

E. e J. Gibson, The senses as information system-seeking, 1972 (pdf)

E. Gibson, An ecological approach to perceptual learning and development, 2003 (pdf)

E. Gibson, Perceiving the affordances, 2001 (pdf)

Sallis, J., The return to nature. Coming as if from nowhere, 2016 (epub) (pdf)

Hans Jones, The phenomena of life, 1966 (pdf)

Karl Lowith, Meaning in history, 1949 (pdf)

Erwin Straus, The primary world of senses, 1963 (pdf)

Jeff Collins e Howard Selina (2012)

Introdução a Heidegger. Um guia gráfico.  

(capas: pdf) (p. 1-104: pdf) (p. 105+: pdf

Tradução: Eduardo Beira (pt)

Being and Time, 1962 (pdf)

Ser e Tempo, Trad. Marcia Schuback, 2005 (pdf 1) (pdf 2)

Review, Roberto K-Martens, 2013 (pdf)

Dreyfus, H., Being-in-the-World. A commentary on Heidegger's Being and Time, Division I., MIT Press 1995 , 6ª ed) (1991) (pdf) (trad. p10-11: pt)

Hubert L. Dreyfus, Mark Wrathall - Heidegger Reexamined, Volume 1_ Dasein, Authenticity, and Death-Routledge (2002) (pdf)

Hubert L. Dreyfus, Mark A. Wrathall - A Companion to Phenomenology and Existentialism-Wiley-Blackwell (2006) (pdf)

Dreyfus, Hubert L._Wrathall, Mark A - Skillful coping_ essays on the phenomenology of everyday perception and action-Oxford University Press (2016) (pdf

Hubert L. Dreyfus, Mark A. Wrathall (Editor) - Background Practices_ Essays on the Understanding of Being-Oxford University Press (2017) (pdf)

Dreyfus, H. , Charles Taylor, Retrieving Realism, Harvard Univ Press, 2015 (pdf)

Being in the World (full, Heidegger/Hubert Dreyfus documentary) (YouTube) (transcription: doc) (WEBPAGE NEW!)

Hubert Dreyfus Interview - Existentialism & Philosophy (1998) (youtube)

Hubert Dreyfus discusses Heidegger (youtube1) (youtube2) (youtube3) (youtube4) (youtube5)

F. Duque, Todtnauberg (1967) (pdf)

F. Gilabert, Todtnauberg. Un poema después de Auschwitz. Heidegger y Paul Celan (2016) (pdf)

I. Farin and J. Malpas (eds), Reading Heidegger Black Notebooks 1931-1941 (2016) (pdf)

R. Wolin, Heidegger's children (2001) (pdf)

R. Wolin, Heidegger in ruins (2023) (pdf)
The dark side of M Heidegger. A conversation with R Wolin (youtube)
Heidegger in Ruins, a Dialogue Between Richard Wolin and Martin Jay (youtube)

G. Fried, The King Is Dead: Heidegger’s “Black Notebooks”  (2014) (link)

S. Kellerer, A quelle "guerre invisible" Heidegger faisait-il référence ? (2014) (link, L'Obs)

Heidegger, Introduction to metaphysics (2000 ed) (pdf)

Heidegger, The question concerning technology (1958) (pdf) (en) [Tradução, EB: pt] 

Heidegger, The question concerning technology and other essays, intro and translation by W. Lovitt, 1977 (pdf)

Barjau, E. (trad), La pergunta por la técnica, 1994 (es.pdf) (pdf)

Jef Carnac, A questão da técnica (doc

Werle, M. A (trad)., A questão da técnica (pdf)

Miles Groth, Translating Heidegger, 2017 (pdf)

Heidegger, Lingua de tradição e língua técnica, trad. Mário Botas, 1970 (pdf)

Heidegger, Traditional language and technological language, trad. W. Gregory (pdf

Dreyfus and Goldberg, LS 160E: Technology, New Media and Contemporary Experience (Berkeley, course: link)

Dreyfus, H., Heidegger on gaining a free relation to technology (pdf) (pdf)

Dreyfus and Wrathall,  A companion to Heidegger, 2005 (pdf)

Dreyfus and Spinosa, Highway bridges and feasts: Heidegger and Borgmann on how to affirm technology (pdf)

Hubert L. Dreyfus - On the Internet (Thinking in Action)-Routledge (2009) (pdf)

Hubert L. Dreyfus - What Computers Still Can't Do_ A Critique of Artificial Reason-MIT Press (1992) (pdf)

Borgmann, A., "Technology" in A companion to Heidegger, 2005 (pdf)

Bijker et al, The social construction of technological systems (pdf)

Powell, J., Heidegger and Language, 2013 (pdf)

Sallis, J. Reading Heidegger. Commemorations, 1993 (pdf)

Sallis, J., On translation, 2002 (pdf)

Ziarek, K., Language after Heidegger, 2013 (pdf)

Escudero, J., Traducir a Heidegger (pdf)

Castro, N., El ser y el tiempo de Martin Heidegger, en la traduccion de José Gaos (1951) (pdf)

Silva, D., Aletheia e o problema heideggeriano das palavras originárias, 2012 (pdf)

Der Spiegel interview with Martin Heidegger (1966) (pdf) (pdf) (en)

Borges-Duarte, I. (trad.), Já só um Deus nos pode salvar (pdf)

Maria Adelaide Pacheco, Linguagem, tradução e tradição. A recepção de Heidegger em portugues, U Evora, 2011 (pdf)

Borges-Duarte e Sá, A., A recepção de Heidegger em Portugal (pdf)

Martins Filho, Heidegger: da analitica existencial à filosofia da interpelação, 2021 (pdf)

Heidegger, XVI Encontro APOF, 2015 (pdf)

Pimentel, A lingua portuguesa como objeto da filosofia (link)

Newton Pereira, Pequeno glossário heideggeriano (link)

Epifanio, R.,  Reportório da bibliografia filosofica portuguesa (1988-2002) (pdf)

Manuel Antunes, Repensar Portugal (2011) (pdf)