
Missão Irlanda / Mission to Ireland

Last update: 22 may, 21:18

A próxima missão aos politécnicos holandeses está marcada para a última semana de maio de 2017, com partida na segunda feira dia 22 de maio e regresso na sexta feira dia 26 de maio (ou dia 25 à noite, conforme a conveniência). O programa seguirá um modelo semelhante ao das missões à Finlândia e Holanda, com visitas na terça, quarta e quinta feira a diversos politécnicos.

Thanks to Ruaidhri Neavyn ( for his assistance and cooperation.

Program (draft)

22nd May, Monday: flights to Dublin. Hotel in Dublin. Suggested hotels: Herbert Park Hotel ( or  Ballsbridge Hotel  ( (close to HEA offices). 

23th May, Tuesday:

8:30am - meetings with Higher Education Authority, HEA ( and QQI Quality and Qualifications Ireland ( briefing on Irish HE system

Meeting point (8:30):  HEA Offices, 3 Shelbourne Buildings, Crampton Avenue, Shelbourne Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. Post Code: D04 C2Y6

HEA presentation here.

8.30am Delegation arrives at HEA Offices for tea/coffee and an overview of visit Itinerary from Dr. Ruaidhri Neavyn- Advisor HEA; and Prof. Eduardo Beira – Head of Portuguese Polytechnic Modernisation Programme.

9.00am Meeting with THEA (Technological Higher Education Association) - Representative Body for Institutes of Technology: Professor Brian Norton (DIT) – Chairperson THEA; Dr. Joseph Ryan – CEO THEA; Dr. Jim Murray - Deputy CEO THEA; Briefing on THEA – Organisation, Aims and Strategies – focus on T&L and RDI initiatives

10.00am Meeting with Higher Education Authority (HEA) and Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI): Dr. Graham Love – CEO, HEA; Dr. Karena Maguire - Head of Relationship Management, (QQI); Mr Fergal Costello – Head of System Performance and Governance, HEA ; Dr. Vivienne Patterson – Head of Skills and Enterprise Engagement, HEA.

(i) Briefing on Irish Higher Education System by Mr Fergal Costello– Particular Focus on IoTs in terms of Sectoral Mission, Performance and Future Development of the IoT Sector

(ii) Briefing on QQI by Dr. Karena Maguire – Focus on Quality Assurance and Delegated Authority Arrangements in IoTs

Dr. Jennifer Brennan – Head of Research and Innovation, THEA will also be joining us on the morning of the 23rd of May

12.00pm Light Lunch followed by bus transit to IT Tallaght

1.00am - Visit to Institute of Technology Tallaght ( for lunch and tour of Campus and Briefing on T&L and RDI activities.


9:00 am - Travel to Waterford by Bus.

Hotel in Waterford. Suggested hotels: Tower Hotel (, Marina Hotel ( , Granville Hotel (

24th May, Wednesday:   

Visit to Waterford Institute of Technology (  Briefing on Institute on arrival tour of campus and briefing on T&L and RDI activities.

PROGRAM fot WIT visite: HERE. (directions to WIT here)

Travel to Limerick Institute of Technology ( 

Visit to Limerick Institute of Technology, part I. PROGRAM for LIT visit: HERE


25th May,Thursday 

Visit to Limerick IT, part II

Travel to Galway by bus.

Visit Galway Mayo Institute of Technology (

Return bus trip to Dublin.

Hotel in Dublin. Hotel (airport): ,

Friday 26th May

Visit to Dublin Institute of Technology ( in the morning: 8:30, meetinh point:DIT Grangegorman, Greenway Hub, Room GW402

PROGRAM fot DIT visite: HERE

Flight back.

List of participants (23 people from 16 institutions) :

1. Instituto Politécnico do Cavado e Ave ( Patricia Gomes, Soraia Gonçalves, Paula Tavares

2. Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco ( Nuno Castela (*)

3. Instituto Politécnico de Tomar ( João Coroado (*)

4. Escola Náutica Infante D. Henrique ( Luis Filipe Batista

5. Instituto Politécnico de Beja ( João Paulo Barros (*) 

6. Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal ( João Vinagre

7. Instituto Politécnico de Viana de Castelo ( Rui Teixeira, Carlos Rodrigues, Joana Santos (*)

8. Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre ( Luís Loures, Valentim Realinho (*)

9. Universidade de Aveiro ( Artur Ferreira e Carlos Picado (*)

10. Instituto Politécnico de Viseu ( Jorge Martins e José Luis Abrantes (*)

11. Universidade do Algarve ( Gabriela Schutz (*)

12. Instituto Politécnico da Guarda ( Constantino Rei (*)

13. Instituto Politécnico de Bragança ( Helena Pimentel

14. Instituto Politécnico de Leiria ( João Paulo Marques (*)

15. A3ES ( Duarte Silva (higher education acreditation agency)

16. Programa de Modernização e Valorização do Ensino Politécnico: Eduardo Beira (*)

(*) confirmed intention to visit DIT, friday morning

CCISP Board of Presidents of public polytechnics:

About the portuguese publich polytechnins: slides (CCISP)

Flights (by Google): from Porto and Lisbon and back