feft compl

Michael Polanyi

Additional materials

From MP to Hogben: 23 November 1939 (en)

From MP to J. Jewkes: 27 june 1941 (en) (includes Principle of deficit spending, 1941 (pdf) (en))

From MP to P Blackett: 28 october 1941 (en)

From MP para J R Hicks: 13 novembro 1943 (en), 19 novembro 1943 (en), 10 janeiro 1944 (en), 22 fevereiro 1945 (en) (pdf)

From J R Hicks to MP: 16 november 1943 (en), 25 december 1944 (en), 15 março 1945 (en), 18 november 1945 (en)

From MP to Harrod: 21 november 1945 (en), 3 december 1945 (en)

From Harrod to MP: 18 december 1945 (en), 28 november 1945 (en)

From MP to Stoplers: 22 november 1946 (en)

Letter from Arndt to MP: 14 february 1946 (en) (pt)

Letter from Arthur Lewis to MP, 1948 (en)

Letter from MP to Weddington, 22 august 1960 (en)

Letter from MP to Arthur Peacocke (1970) (en)

Letter from Karl P to MP, 1929: (pdf) (doc)

Letters between Toni Stolper and MP (in german):

1939: 1, 3

1938: 2, 4, 5, 6, 7

1937: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

1936: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

1935: 23, 24, 25, 26, 27

RPC(2) letters 19XX-1934 (en)

RPC(3) letters 1934-1939 (en)

RPC(4) letters 1939-1945 (en)

RPC(5) letters 1945-19xx (en)

WP140 URSS Economics

WP141 Webbs

WP142 Beyond nihilism

FEFT list of reviews

eb, 6 maio 2017, alvor

1. Festre & Garrouste (2015) list

2. others, signed (RPC 46,2)

3. Non signed (RPC 46,2)

Full comment:

Short notice and comment (en)

The New Republic (USA), 20.5.1946

Yorkshire Post, 19.11.1945

Times Literary Supp., 3.11.1945

Liverpool Daily Post, 9.1.1946, “Keynes made easier”

Boston Today (USA), jan 1946

The Times. Trade and Engineering, August 1946

Britain To Day, feb. 1946

International Textiles, n. 13, 1945

4. Unknown source

x (en)

5. Letters

H. Jakubowicz, 27 march 1946 (en)

H W Arndt, 14 february 1946 (en) (pt)

xx (James Mason letter to Manchester Guardian, RPC(5,3) 05_0399-0400, 6th march 1947)


Emile Benoit-Smullyan, Public Investment and Full Employment by Benjamin Higgins, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 30, No. 2 (May, 1948), pp. 146-148 (en)

J Jewkes, Second Thoughts on British White Paper on Employment Policy (pdf)

J M Keynes, The end of laissez faire, 1926 (en)

James Mead, Consumer credits and unemployment (en)

Beveridge, Full employment in a free society, 1944 (index, pdf) (summary, pdf)

Lerner, A., The economics of control, 1944 (cap. 24.III) (pt)

RPC guide (pdf) (txt) new (pdf) 

S&M biography: pdf1, pdf2, pdf3, pdf4

S&M bibliography (doc)

Biro book: pdf1, pdf2, pdf3, pdf4 ; my notes (pdf)

100 years F Haber Institute (pdf)

CofF Comtempt of Freedom

FEFT Full Employment and Free Trade

SFS Science Faith and Society

LL The Logic of Liberty (pdf)

SM Study of man

PK Prersonal Knowledge

TD Tacit dimension

M Meaning

Raymond Aron about Polanyi (pt)

Raymond Aron about PK (pt)

A. Michael Polanyi in the press: Manchester Guardian 

(news, articles, reviews, ads, ... related to Michael Polanyi)

1. 1928 - 1940: WP120b (2017) (previous version: WP120 (2012))

2. 1941 - 1950: WP135 (2017)

3. 1951 - 1960: WP136 (2017)

4. 1961 - 1976: WP137 (2017)

5. 1976 - 2000

6. Magda Polanyi

7. George Polanyi

B. Michael Polanyi in the press: The Economist, documents

C. Michael Polanyi in the press: New York Times, documents

Manchester Guardian (Full Employment, not MP):

Manchester Guardian (USSR)

Polanyi, KWI (Berlin) and F. Haber

From the Archives, John Ryland Special Collections, University of Manchester

a. List of documents

b. Photos of documents

c. Transcriptions (en)

d Letter to E. Simon, 16 june 1933, grant from Rockfeller Foundation (en)  



Scott tapes:

Ignotus (fr) (audio)


MP: a critical exposition, chapter 13, A free society, 1988 (en)

Reviews of Meaning:

Moore, 1976 (pdf)

Scott, 1977 (pdf)

Innis, 1977 (pdf)

Review of The genesis of Twenty Century Phiolosophy; Deledalle, 1967 (pdf)

Review of MP: a critical exposition: Deledalle, 1988 (pdf)

Zygon, Polanyi issue, 1982 (pdfs)

Confronting the minotaur: moral inversion and Polanyi's moral philosophy, D. Yeager, 1991 (en)