
Eduardo J. C. Beira

Chemical engineer (FEUP, 1974)



Last update: 15 february 2018

Born: 5 June 1952. Married, two sons.

Graduation in Chemical Engineering (Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto) , 1974 (final score: 16 in 20).

X PADE – Programa de Alta Direcção de Empresas (Program for Corporate Top Management), Porto, 1978-88, AESE / IESE.

Professional career:

2016- 2018: coordinator of the Program for Modernization and Valorization of the Polytechnics (Ministry of Science, Technology and High Education)

2010 - 2016: coordinator of FOZTUA project (www.foztua.com), a joint project between EDP (www.edp.pt) , the largest portuguese utility company, together with MIT (Boston) and University of Minho, as a regional counterpart for the construction of a new dam in Tua River (Alto Douro region, northern Portugal)..

2005 - 2008 : general manager of ISTMA International Special Tooling and Machining Association (www.istma.org), world confederation of national associations of special tool and dies and moulds companies, then with more than 30 countries affiliated, including asean countries)

January 2003 - January 2004: Member of mission team Eureka meets Asia (Agency for Innovation, Lisbon, a government agency)

June 2001 - January 2003: Expert (IT and software business) of ProInov Program (Integrated program fostering innovation), Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Lisbon

April 2001 - 2006 : top coordinator of Minho Campus Party, an IT annual event with thousand of participants, promoted by Associação Industrial do Minho (Chamber of commerce and industry, Minho region)

Janeiro de 1999 a Julho de 2000: General manager of AINP Agencia para o Investimento no Norte de Portugal (Agency for investment in northern Portugal).

March 1993 to March 1998: Member of Executive Committee of the Board od Direcors of BA – Fábrica de Vidros Barbosa & Almeida, SA. (now named BA Vidros, manufacturing of glass containers, then listed in the stock exchange market, turnover of more than 290 million euros, more than one thousand people in Portugal).

Member of the Board of associated companuies in Mozambique, Spain and Portugal.

April 1992 to January 1996: General manager of Epcer – Empresa de Produtos Ceramicos Lda. (Oliveira do Bairro, around 40 people, stoneware products).

May 1990 to May 1992: Manager of investment analysis, BA – Fábrica de Vidros Barbosa & Almeida, SA.

December 1988 to April 1990: Gereral manager of Artividro – Arte em Vidro, Lda (Leiria, 150 people, cristalware, an affiliated company with BA))

April 1988 to September 1989: Manager of information and data processing services, BA – Fábrica de Vidros Barbosa & Almeida, SA.

January 1986 to March 1988: Manager of CAD / CAM and information systems and services, Grupo Iberomoldes (Marinha Grande) (mould industry)

1984 to 85: Member of the Board of directors of CPCSI – Companhia Portuguesa de Computadores e Sistemas de Informação, SA. (Porto, 50 people) (it become the general distributor of HP products for Portugal and later become one of the most important IT companies in Portugal)

1981 to 1984: General manager, RARCENTRO – Desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Informação, Lda. (Porto, 30 people. Data processing services, later renamed as CPCSI)

Academic career

2019 - ...: Senior Fellow, UNESCO Chair Life on Land, CIBIO-inBIO, University of Porto, Portugal (https://cibio.up.pt)

2013 - ... : Senior Research Fellow, IN+ Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research, IST Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa (http://in3.dem.ist.utl.pt)

2008 - 2012 : Associate professor, by invitation, School of Engineering, University of Minho (www.eng.uminho.pt); EDAM (Engineering design and advanced manufacturing) Professor, faculty of MIT Portugal Program (www.mitportugal.org)

Lecturer in charge of the courses: "Introduction to General Management" (Magellan MBA, Porto Business School, http://www.pbs.up.pt ); "Companies and technologies" (LTI EDAM PhD Program); "Innovation" (PhD Programs, School of Engineering, UM), "IT Markets and companies" (Department of Information Systems, UM).

Focus on: technology development and innovation, business history, knowledge and innovation

2000- 2008: Auxiliary professor, by invitation, Department of Information Systems (www.dsi.uminho.pt), School of Engineering, University of Minho.

Focus on: IT sector strategies and dynamics, IT and development of peripherial regions

Lecturer in charge of: “Business strategy and information technologies (MSI, postgraduation course, UM) "IT markets and compenies" (LIG, year 5 of graduation program). Several courses of introduction to IT and programming languages for students of different programs of the School of Engineering, University of Minho  

1998 - 2002: Lecturer in charge of the course “Industrial management” (year 5 of graduation program on Food Engineering and year 4 of graduation program in Environmental Engineering), School of Biotechnology, Catholic University, Porto

1989 - 1995: Lecturer in charge of the courses “Linear Algebra” (year 1, graduation program in Food Engineering) and “Statistics” (year 2 of the same program), School of Biotechnology, Catholic University, Porto. Also in charge of “Statistical methods” for post graduation students (MSc in Food Science and Technology), School of Biotechnology, Catholic University, Porto

1974 – 1982: Assistant lecturer in Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto.

Lecturer in charge of several courses in applied mathematics, computing and programming, and also bioengineering for students of chemical engineering graduation (Department of Chemical Engineering).

Researcher in the Center for Chemical Engineering, Oporto University (data analysis, computer process simulation, bioengeneering: extraction of leaf protein concentrates).

Published several textbooks and research papers in national and international journals.

1972 - 1974: Research assistant in Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto (Chemistry Department)

Other academic activities (including management of academic institutions):

2005 - 2013: Member of the Board of Directors of Instituto Confucio da Universidade do Minho (http://www.confucio.uminho.pt) (instute for chinese language and culture, jointly sponsored by China government and University of Minho)

October 1995 to March 1999 – Member of the Board of Directors of Centro de CIM do Porto (a technology center for advanced computer integrated manufactuing, sponsored by EU and University of Porto).

June 1996 to March 1998 – Member of the Board of Directors of AESBUC – Associação de Empresas da Escola Superior de Biotecnologia da Universidade Católica (association of companies fostering School of Bioengineering, Catholic University, Porto)

1993 – 1996: Member of the organizing committee of the new School of Arts, Catholic University (Porto)