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foreign language dubbing : the audio recording process

This non-linear article introduces the audio recording process of foreign language dubbing. It is intended for students, actors, and distribution company reps who work in the dubbing domain or in games localisation, as well as for those already in the industry.

Much has been written about the social, cultural, and aesthetic implications of dubbing as a form of audio-visual translation. Its merits and shortcomings have been weighed in a number of publications and frequently measured against subtitling. While its beginnings go back to the earliest sound films in the 1930s, dubbing is just as pertinent a subject today, in a globalized world where a multilingual public’s attention is directed, via broadband, towards much of the same audio-visual content.

Many of the ideas contained in this article were presented at the 131st international convention of the Audio Engineering Society in New York. You can view the outline of the e-Brief session here.

A dubbing studio