Sub Domain D: Maintaining Accurate Records


Educator presents evaluation criteria clearly and is consistently focused on understanding concept skills and concepts. All grading is done in a timely manner.


All of my assignments have rubrics that have been developed specifically for those assignments. In addition, these rubrics are always given in tandem with the actual assignment and are clearly explained to students so that they are clear on the assignment expectations.

I use a standards-based system of assessment and evaluation. Rather than using traditional grading categories of “quiz,” “test,” or “class participation,” I use grading as a way of informing students of their progress in particular domains. To that end, my grading categories are called “Basic Content Knowledge,” “Analysis and Comprehension,” “Synthesis and Self Knowledge,” and “Communication and Presentation.” The traditional category holders, in my opinion, do not inform students of their actual progress, but rather only communicate how they scored on quizzes and tests.

I make the analogy of how these specific grading categories connect with statistical analytics in sports and video games. I talk about how statistical analyses in sports are broken down into several areas to communicate to athletes how they are performing in certain areas. For avid video gamers, knowing how their characters are “leveling up” in particular categories can dictate how they will play the game in order to improve areas in which they are deficient. This method of assessment can potentially longer to complete, but I believe that the effort is worth it.


Course Information Form: Religious Studies 2

Course Information Form: Religious Studies 3

General Rubric: Formal Writing

General Rubric: Project Presentation

General Rubric: Blog Entries