Sub Domain D: Use of Educational Technology


Educator knowledge and skill with relevant technology are outstanding and used consistently in classroom instruction.


As an educator, I believe in the appropriate use of relevant technology. To that end, I had been moving toward a paperless classroom, that is, a classroom where all handouts are digitally provided and all assignments are completed online with the use of a mobile device. This reduces overall paper usage, but I believe that, more importantly, using technology for assignment completion allows students to self-organize. The content that the students create instantly become an ongoing, living portfolio of their work through the course of the year.

That said, it is also important for me to teach the students entrusted to my care to learn the value of technology limitations. To that end, technology use in class is on cue and students are continually reminded of the appropriate use of technology.


Guide: Creating A Student Blog

Video: Religious Studies 3: Symbols and Ethics: Semester 1 Summative Project (Patrick Riley, student)

Video: Religious Studies 2: Jesus and Justice: Semester 2 Summative Project (Logan Nonies and Josh Wallunas, students)

Video: Religious Studies 3: Symbols and Ethics: Semester 2 Summative Project (Ali Neilsen and Danni McDonagh, students)

Screenshot: Blog: Religious Studies 2: Period 4 (Diego Cordova, student)

Screenshot: Blog: Religious Studies 2: Period 6: (Shane O'Hare, student)