What follows is an abbreviated and filtered record, less verbal and more written, of a chat between two Serbian friends on a social network.

The last day for purchasing the liquidity package is July 31, 2023

- Have you ever heard of Robert Kiyosaki?

- Hmm... sounds familiar...

- Well it doesn't matter who he is, but to begin with it's important that we agree on something he wrote in one of his books, ok?

- Ok

- Let me explain. When it comes to finances, he divides people into four categories:

1. Employees

These are those who work from 9 to 5 for example and get paid for their physical or mental work.

2. Self-employed

When you work you earn, when you don't work you don't earn. Examples include dentists, mechanics, personal trainers and so on.

3. Businessmen

This group includes company owners who make money from that company but their physical presence in the company is not necessary. So, they earn money even when they’re not at work. You understand?

- Yes.

- 4. Investors

In the simplest terms, these are those who do not work for money but money works for them. You understand?

- Not really.

- Ok so imagine that you are a writer, you write a fantastic novel and it provides you with passive income for the rest of your life. You have invested in yourself for your future through your own skill.

- But I'm not a writer!

- Take it easy bro, now I'm just describing the categories. But here, imagine investing $10,000 into something that will bring you passive income for the rest of your life. And not only to you, but also to your offspring.

- I thought, uhhhh... but I don't have $10,000.

- Don't be impatient! For now, the only thing that matters to me is whether you agree to divide people into these four categories?

- Ok I agree.

- Which category do you belong to?

- The first one.

- Ok, and which one would you like to be in?

- Do you really need an answer to that question? 😊

- Yes, yes... say it.

- Fourth, of course. Well, any normal person would give you the same answer.

- Of course. Can I ask the next question?

- Shoot.

- Do you have any savings?

- Around 500-600 euros.

- Ok, many don't even have that much... in fact, many don't have a dime. However, you can become an investor even if you manage to collect only 100 dollars, and as far as I can see, you are in that category.

- Hey, just don't try to sell me those pyramids or Bitcoin... I've heard such stories and I'm not interested at all.

- I understand you completely. However, you've heard many stories but you haven't heard mine, right? You know me well and you know I wouldn't sell you bullshit. Can we agree on that?

- Definitely.

- Even if I touch Bitcoin in my story, but from a completely different angle?

- I knew it had to be some shit 😊 but ok... come on, you have my attention.

- Great! And now that you mentioned Bitcoin... you gave me a super thumbs up... so to start with my question - what do you know about Bitcoin?

- Crypto shit, I already told you...

- And that's all you know about it?

- Approximately...

- Wait... so explain to me a little bit... that’s a remark based on what you think or did you research what you know?

- More the first one.

- Ok. Take a look at the chart...

Did you know that Bitcoin was worth 9 cents apiece when it hit the market in 2009?

  - Not really...

  - Here you can see that in November 2020 one Bitcoin was worth 68,991 dollars. You see?

  - Yes.

  - Let's do some math...

  - I understand what you’re targeting, but continue...

  - If you had invested 90 dollars in Bitcoin in 2009... I say 90 for easier calculation, how many Bitcoins (BTC) would you have then?

  - 1,000

  - If you had sold them all when BTC was the strongest, how much money would you have had?

  - $68,991,000.

  - Why didn't you invest a dime in that shit then? 😊

  - Piss off 😊 ... well first of all I didn't even know it existed then and secondly even if I knew it existed, I wouldn't have invested because... well, who could have guessed all that?

  - I share your opinion, but I have a new question. If you had known it then and you had this savings of yours back then, what would you have done with it?

  - I would put it all into Bitcoin.

   You would throw all your savings into shit 😊?

  - Well, when you look at it that way...

  - And how do you look at it?

   - I understand you... but the train has passed, I can only look at it now as a missed opportunity.

  - I was waiting for that answer!! But I have one more question.

  - Go on.

  - What would you have done if you could have known all this then and if you hadn't had a dime in 2009.

  - Well I would borrow... I would sell off everything I have... I would sell the house.

  - And I was waiting for that answer too!! So you would do everything in your power to collect as much cash as possible and invest in Bitcoin?

  - Definitely. Well only a fool wouldn't do that!

  - Ok and if you did that, which of the 4 groups above would you belong to?

  - The fifth 😊

  - 😊 Let's draw the line now. The opportunity was missed, but if you had known you would have done everything possible to make it happen... right?

  - Absolutely.

  - Final question. What would you do if you had a similar opportunity today?

  - Wow... there's nothing I wouldn't do, but...

  - No “but“... well don’t you want to?

  - What do you mean?

  - Today you have the chance to do everything you missed with that shit!

  - Well yes.... 😊 but wait a second... I don't understand, are you asking me the same thing again or are you telling me that today I have an opportunity to earn money?

  - That's exactly what I'm telling you. I'm telling you that today you have a unique opportunity to - let me quote you - to borrow and sell everything you don't need and invest the money so that in one, two, three years.. money starts working for you. Would you really do that if you were sure that in a maximum of three years you would provide for yourself and your family for the rest of your lives?

  - I would, but I don't believe in that story.

  - Of course you don't believe it. Until a year ago I didn't believe it myself... not that there’s a reason to doubt it, but today I know. And I can thank a friend of mine who you don't know, who had enough patience and perseverance to encourage me to move from the first Kiyosaki category to the fourth in just a few months. Want to hear how?

  - Of course.

  - Welcome to the world of investments! 😊

  - Thank you! 😊


- Great. So far we’ve easily agreed on the Kiyosaki matter and we both agree that the Bitcoin project is, unfortunately, a missed opportunity.

- Unfortunately, you’re right 😊

- Look now, since you don't have as much time for your journey as an investor as I’ve had during last twelve months to get into this story and check it down to the tiniest details, you will have to trust me to some extent. It's like that story about viruses when you didn't believe me and in the end you realized by yourself that viruses don't exist after all.

- Uhhh, yes 😊

- So I did the research, you didn't and that's why we had a problem. Then you started researching and learnt for yourself so we no longer had that problem😊. Now listen, one part of this story requires your rather quick reaction, requiring you to make a decision sometime before the end of June. If you miss that opportunity you will have another one, but the first one is more important. That's why I say that for the first one you'll have to trust me a bit and for the second one you'll have time to research yourself. Understand?

- I understand what you are saying but I still don't understand anything. What kind of opportunities are these, brother?

- Take it easy, everything will become clear to you, and I'll start by showing you some more missed opportunities with slides. Bitcoin isn't the only one we've both missed.

- Go on…

- OK. Look at the graphs of these other crypto currencies, follow the growth curves on them and their value at the time they were created and later over time.

- Ok, I understand. In fact, you want to say that whoever invested in some crypto currency at the beginning, he later profited.

- Well done dude! That's the right answer! Here is just one more slide to confirm it and make all clearer, and below is a link where you can check all this yourself.

- Wait, I don't understand what USDT is... and what is CoinGecko?

- USDT stands for Crypto Dollar. Its more popular name is Tether. The abbreviation USDT is - United States Dollar Token (a token is a coin) and the latter is a crypto exchange where you exchange USDT for real dollars. The ratio of US$ to USDT is always 1:1.

- Piss off... well, I was able to collect 1,000 dollars in 2017. Actually, I could have done more. I would have got at least 2,000 euros for my Renault alone.

- Well, in 2017, instead of BNB, I invested 3,500 euros in my Citroen, drove taxis for another 2 years and earned 600-700 euros per month. If I invested them in BNB, I would have 22 million!

- Man, this is madness! Disaster! Where were my eyes back then?

- I don't know about yours, but mine were staring through the windshield for 12 hours a day.

- And I have to kiss the bosses ass for a measly 500 euros.

- You won't have to anymore, bro. I give you my word!

- From your mouth to God's ears! Don't just tell me that you know some new cryptocurrency that I should invest in right now?

- I know something way better. I know a cryptocurrency that is yet to emerge. In June!

- Aaah... that's why it's urgent. Bro... 😊... I have a million questions right now, but ok, come on, you have my full attention. How do I know that I won't get screwed? How do I know that it will grow too? A million questions man... 😊

- I totally understand you old man, but it was very important to me that you first saw what you missed. Actually, what we both missed.

- Obviously.

- I am thinking now... there is one thing, I’m not sure if I should tell you now or if I should skip it since we will certainly get to it later.

- What’s that?

- Ok, take your time and read this from the link below and I’ll talk to you later when you've digested it. I just want to add what almost nobody knows - "crypto" is actually a movement... initially called the Cryptoanarchist movement which basically brings a genius libertarian idea that with the help of the technology we all use today, it will deprive us of this slave-owning slavery. Technology against technology! Use their weapons against themselves! Everything is happening before our eyes, and we have no eyes to see and no ears to hear! Like the one for viruses.

- Agreed.

   I read and understood what I read, and I also understand what you say. Honestly... I had no idea this movement existed and this is awesome what I’ve read! However, isn't one of the agendas of the NWO (new world order) the transition to digital currencies with which they will be able to control the whole world?

- It is. They are desperately trying to throw out the money we have today and replace it with a digital one that you will not have in your pocket or in your bank account, but all in your debit card or in a chip under your skin. However, it is a story for the naive. It's always the same pattern... keeping people in suspense and fear, just like the one with viruses. Only people who have delved deeper into understanding the crypto movement and how this whole story works can know that the exact opposite will happen. Crypto will destroy the NWO and all their agendas. It is inevitable. I know this sounds incredible to you but we haven't even touched the story of the new currency yet, and when I tell you all the way to the end a lot of things will become clearer to you.

- Uhhh... ok, let's move on.

- Let’s move on. Here are the names of the two new crypto currencies. The first is called Kodexa, abbreviated KDX, and the second Mosaic also known as MOS.

- Ok, so there are two of them?

- Two, but both are in the same project.

- I’m listening carefully 😊

- First about KDX because it will enter the world crypto currency market sometime by the end of June. MOS will hit the market in June, but June 2024. To make it clearer for you from the start I have to tell you that there are three ways to invest in this new and revolutionary project, so three ways to make money even from as early as tomorrow. The first is an investment in one of the KDX packages, the second is an investment in one of the MOS packages, and the third is earnings from referrals.

- Wait a minute, that looks like a pyramid scheme to me!

- No, it has nothing to do with the pyramid because no one is forcing you to do anything. In other words, you don't have the obligation like in the pyramids to bring a certain number of people into this project. In pyramids there's a pressure to bring people to hit targets and only the team at the top makes money and everyone below them gets crumbs. True, earning from referrals also works by building your own network and it's a way to start earning right away if you invest just $100 (+3%) but not by having to bring 25 people or sell 100 perfumes to get 1 free. I'll come back to referral earnings later but for now I'd like to explain the investment in KDX. Ready?

- Yeah, I'm listening to you...

- From now on, I will present everything to you with slides, screenshots and links, to make it easier and clearer for you.

- Go on...

- OK. First, I will explain the technical side of the story, how to log in to the network and enter your "office". Click on this link below

This window will open:

There you fill in everything that is required and you confirm the registration in the email that you will receive as soon as you register. Standard. Registration is free and non-binding. When you confirm the registration your "office" opens and looks like this, only all those fields where you see numbers will be empty:

 - Give me some time...

- Take it easy.

- Done 😊

- Now, in the menu on the left hand side click on "Packages" and when a new page opens click on "Liquidity Packages" above. Scroll down and you will see that there are 7 packages of different values on offer. You see?

- Yes. From 100 to 25,000.

- Ok, now you have your "office" and on that page you buy some of the Kodexa packages. You can only buy them until the end of June or so, after that they won't be available anymore!!! I will explain later how to send dollars to your office and buy some of the packages with one click. To make it easier for you, here is a slide of the first 5 of the 7 packages. I don't have the two strongest ones, but you can see them in the office:

The last day for purchasing the liquidity package is July 31, 2023 

   We'll come back to this slide in a second, but now I just have to explain something else to you so that everything is completely clear, OK?

- OK.

- If you buy a package of say 100 dollars, the company divides that money in the following way. Look at the slide: 

So, out of those 100 dollars the company keeps 30% which is 30 dollars for their marketing purposes, 40% so 40 dollars goes into the "liquidity pool" and for the remaining 30%, 30 dollars, you get Kodexa.

- I understand.

- Just remember this about dividing dollars because it is important for you to know.

- If you say so... 😊

- Ok, now let's go to the real action, to finally find out what awaits you if you invest in the KDX package of 100 dollars.

- Can't wait... 😊 😊 😊

- 😊 You maniac 😊 So, you bought a package of 100 dollars. Forget the first 30%. Forget the other 40% (temporarily) and for the yellow 30%, 30 dollars, you get Kodexa at an exclusive price of one cent per piece!!! Now remember the story about the price of Bitcoin in the beginning? So... for $30 you got 3,000 KDX.

- Yes, yes... here I have goosebumps.

- When you ungoosebump, go back to that slide above and take a look at what sum you will have when KDX reaches $1 value and on the right when it reaches the maximum $2.50. You invested $100 and you have a safe $7,500 waiting for you in, say two years if you don't withdraw it before then and sell it. But since everything is transparent here I want you to see how it looks in one of my offices framed in yellow:

- Well buddy, I don't see millions here like in Bitcoin but when I calculate how much I have and how quickly I could collect it smells like few hundred thousands!! And my first thought was to take out a loan. If my math is right, this below yellow is a $750 package? You bought two packages?

- Your math is perfect. No, me and my wife we bought ten packages totalling $3,000, the rest of my family bought around twenty more so in total we invested $7,550 in KDX. I'll post that slide for you a little later but now I'd like to explain when and how you can dispose of them if you don't want to wait for two years.

- Shoot...

- During the next 120 days from the day of purchase of this $100 liquidity package that brings you 3,000 KDX, your KDX will be frozen and you cannot sell them. After those 120 days KDX are released to you at a rate of 1.25% of those 3,000 every week for the next twenty months. So, you get 37.5 KDX per week. In the picture above you can see that my $100 (3,000 KDX) package stake date was February 5th and that the "Claimable" is zero. So 120 days after that 5th of February, which would be the 20th of June, the first 1.25% from that package will be released to me. KDX are already being released from the $750 package below and I can "withdraw" them because I bought this package on October 29th. In this image below you can see the expected monthly and cumulative earnings from the $1,000 package if KDX grows linearly by 9 cents per month and you withdraw them monthly ($39,150) or if you wait all 20 months and withdraw them only then ($64,800). This growth can be higher but it can also be lower. That will be determined by the market.

However, that’s not all. This 40% part of the investment, the one I told you to temporarily forget, also brings you profit but according to a mathematical pattern that is difficult to explain. You can freely count that your profit from that pool will be approximately the same as this first one but only after all twenty four months have passed. So, a $100 investment brings a minimum profit of $15,000 within about two years. As I told you, Biljana and I unfortunately invested in only 10 liquidity packages with a total value of $3,000 from October when the liquidity packages appeared in the offer, until February and thus "won" a total of 90,000 KDX.

- That "unfortunately" and "only" is because you repented or what...? I do not get!

- 😊 No, it's because before the KDX package we already invested about $25,000 in MOS packages, so we're worn out.

- Holy shit 😊

- 😊 Up here you can also see when and from which package Kodexa are released. So, all KDX will be released to us on June 20th and if the price of KDX for example in the market reaches a value of only 10 cents a piece by then, which can easily happen in just one month's time, we will be able to sell them for $112.50 every week!. The higher the value of KDX reaches the stock market, the higher the earnings from weekly sales will be. Can KDX price go down? Of course!!! However, KDX are limited to a total of one billion pieces. You can check this yourself online at this link

 if you click on "Last Page" in the lower right corner.

- I don't understand this limitation.

- In the crypto world and even outside of it, it is known that due to this limitation, the demand for KDX will always be higher than the supply, and as a result, KDX will have a higher value than the previous one every next month, when the line is drawn. What is available in limited quantity is always more valuable than what is available in abundance. After all, it has already been seen so many times in the crypto market that it could be called a tradition.

- Give me some time to study this and make some calculations of my own.

- Good thinking, I'll talk to you later.


- Ok, everything is clear to me 😊

- Do you have questions about KDX or should we switch to Mosaic?

- Everything is clear to me... you can continue. I mean... I have a million questions but not about KDX.

- OK. Let me repeat so you don't forget - KDX will be released on the market in mid-June and Mosaic (MOS) will be released in June 2024.
Now, I think you will understand the story of MOS most easily from the example of my first investment in this project. Before I invested in that first package, the first "office" worth $4,990 in April of last year, Robbie calculated that that investment could bring me at least one and a half million dollars in two years. Until then I knew very little about the crypto world, only a little about the history of the movement and I was one of those people whose stomach twisted at the very mention of the word crypto. I practically invested in that first package just based on Robbie's words - "trust me and you won't regret it". And Robbie is not someone who is not to be trusted. Ok, trust first but also my intuition second. When I read their Manifesto things started to change and I began to study the topic in depth.. and you know how I do that.

- Oh yes 😊

- Let's go back to the first package called "Infinity". I got two things from that investment. Firstly, I got a fixed number of KDX, somewhere around 4,700, and secondly - the opportunity to participate in the weekly distribution of MOS according to a certain pattern until June 2024. Namely, every Sunday at GMT midnight the computer from a pooled fund distributes the MOS equally to everyone who has this package. Of course, the same thing happens with all other packages except for the $100 one. Well, that first Sunday at midnight, and believe me I was sitting in front of the monitor like a gun cocked and waiting for that to happen, a figure of about 1,000 MOSs appeared in my office. Now I don't remember exactly how many MOS I got that first time. The next week at midnight I got a little less.

- Why less?

- Good question. Because a few more Infinity packages were sold during that week, so the computer started distributing them from that fund as well. In other words when 100 dollars are shared by four of us, I get 25. But when the same 100 is shared by five of us, I get 20. You understand?

- Yes.

- On this slide below, you can see how many MOS each package received in the last 2 shares.

- I see, 244.66 then 236.61. I see Robert Pausic below. Is that Robbie you're talking about?
- Yeah 😊
- But who is he in fact?

- Wow, dude! 😊

- Someone who has earned over 3 million in the last 27 years but even before this crypto story. He was studying crypto as a trading opportunity and fortunately, he met the founders of Novalus. So as a programmer by profession, he became part of their team and only then realized, like me a few months later and like you now, what we missed and how the crypto world really works. And when you talk about money you talk to those who know how to make money, right?

- I bet you’re right 😊

- Ok, back to Robbie's calculation. In fact, he didn’t do it for the entire distribution period, only for the first 52 weeks from January 2022 and based on that he told me it could be worth a million and a half. And the calculation is anything but simple because he had to predict how many people would buy that package during the first 52 weeks from January 2022 and you understood that the higher the number of packages sold, the smaller each subsequent weekly distribution of MOS per package. The calculation turned out to be correct. Here, at this moment in that office after 54 weeks since my investment, I have 30,956.72 MOS. I can't screenshot the whole page so you only see the top half.

And now the most important thing. From the same "kitchen" comes the calculation that predicts the initial value of MOS of about $50 at the moment when it appears on the crypto exchanges in June '24. When I multiply my current 30,000 of MOS by $50, I therefore expect that sometime in June 2024 I will have at least one and a half million dollars in that "office" alone. That’s with an investment of $4,990 in that package alone. More precisely, I already have that many and until June of next year there are about fifty more shares to come. Look, all this has already been seen in the crypto market and it always happened when a reliable token was released on the market. How do you know it's reliable? Well, I'll talk about that later.

However, if someone were to buy that $4,990 package today the calculation says that this investment by June 2024 would "only" bring them somewhere around $374,000. In other words, you should also invest in MOS as soon as possible so that you don't miss out on Sunday’s sharings. You can see the expected profit from the other packages below.

- What numbers! If it's not a secret, how much did you invest in MOS?

- It's not. From April to date my entire family has invested a total of $32,760. We have 3 Infinity packages and one Validator, total approx. $25,000 and the rest was invested in KDX packages.

- And all of that should bring you how much money in June 2024?

- About 8 million to the whole family, but if MOS repeats the success of BNB, which I think is more than realistic then that amount could be ten times higher. Look, no one can guarantee you that 100% but such a scenario has happened many times and you saw it on those slides. Since everything is transparent, here are the screenshots below from all 6 offices we have. Right above "Total Purchase" is the investment value for each office.

- Damn! 😊 So, now you've thrown me into a puzzle. KDX or MOS? If I understood correctly, for this Infinity I could expect about 370,000 in 2024, but it could go over 3 million?

- Yes, yes old man, you understood correctly. The sky is the limit. This project (we will talk about it at the end) is so attractive, unique and so innovative that it will cause a revolution in the crypto market and therefore the value of MOS could go to unimaginable heights. I want to clarify something else from the office. Can I?

- No, you can’t 😊 ... I have to talk to Radmila, so I'll get back to you soon.

- Give her my greetings 😊

- All set, let's move on.
- 😊 Ok, I'm taking you back to the office.

In the first office under "Staked Amount:" you will see 4,793.27KDX. By purchasing the Mosaic package, in addition to the MOS, you also get a certain amount of KDX. Unlike the MOS, it does not increase every week. Here's a screenshot to make it clearer:

"Staked" means that I have termed my KDX for two years and for that term I get a commission in MOS. See just below it says "Active Staking Rewards:" = 111.17 MOS. So this number is increasing every week little by little. At the bottom right it also says "Total" = 3,317.25...USDT. That's the amount I've earned so far in that office alone and in a total of about $6,200 by telling just a few friends the same story I'm telling you now. They bought some of the packages and depending on the value of the packages they bought I was rewarded with a commission based on a certain pattern. When I bought the first package of $4,490 Robbie earned 15% of that amount because I entered the investment through him. The trick is that you can enter the investment only by recommendation and there's no other way. In other words, with only 100 dollars invested in the KDX package you get your "Referral Number" and the opportunity to start earning 10%  out of 60% of the value of the package that someone takes through you, literally as of tomorrow! So far Robbie has made about $280,000 from commissions, this $150,000 blue Mercedes, 3 Validator Pro packages at $25,000 each, and he bought 2 more himself.

- My goodness!! Now I have calculated something. I work for €500. That's 6,000 a year and when I multiply that by 40 which is my entire working life, it comes out to 240,000. He’s earned 277,000 in 15 months! Fuckin’ Serbia!

- Yes, yes, but look... people are pre-programmed and in that program, it is written that they are small, powerless, helpless, they can't do anything, that money is only for the rich, that there is no bread without a hoe, honest work and all that shit. Tell me, what is dishonest about this investment story? The fact that someone made 277,000 with an investment instead of slogging out all day long?

- Can’t agree more. But tell me... I see on the slide it says 3 validators. What are validators?

- Excellent question and we would come to that, but here I’ll tell you now that you've already asked. So by buying a package of 10,000 or 25,000, along with all that weekly distribution of MOS you also become a validator. Well, the validator is actually a computer but with better performance than standard ones.

- Wait, I don't understand anything. You become a validator and the validator is a computer, so you become a computer!? 😊

- 😊 Validator is a computer and it is also the name for the owner of that computer. Let me explain. MOS will be placed on the future Mosaic blockchain which will be Decentralized, Trustless and Open Source which will connect all existing blockchains into its unique blockchain. I will talk about what all these names mean later. Blockchain... think of it for example as a hard disk with unlimited capacity in which literally every transaction is recorded under a code,  once it has been recorded no one can ever modify or delete it. Who writes transactions on the blockchain? Validators i.e. the computers that I mentioned to you. Validators are therefore private computers that will do only that and nothing else. What is the benefit of having a validator? Some percentage of every single transaction that will be done on the future Mosaic Block Chain will be divided among each validator. We have currently over 300 validators. The passive income from having just one validator could be so high that it brings you more passive income for life than you objectively need. And it remains as an inheritance for your sons. And so on. I'll just tell you that, for example, Ethereum (they have their own currency and their own blockchain) validators are sold for over $300,000 per piece and not everyone can buy it, they can only buy it under certain conditions.

- I understand, in fact now I understand the story about Kiyosaki from the beginning. I'm thinking... you made about 6,000 from referrals. In what time?

- In about 2 months. But I have to admit that I hardly tried at all to recommend this to people, I was teased a little as people wouldn’t have associated me with anything crypto so I kept to just telling closest friends, relatives etc and I decided that I was satisfied that we invested in 4 MOS packages, one of which is a validator and the rest in KDX. But I also have to tell you this because I have an inkling of what you're thinking. I will not discourage you with this, on the contrary! Percentage wise... about every ten people I would tell this story to, one would take one of the packages. But that was at the time when I bought the first package and only knew this story superficially.

- The day you mentioned to me that I could invest 100 dollars and recommend further I already made a list of those I could offer this to. That's the only way I could get to the validator and Radmila and I will agree whether what we have and what we could still collect, should be pushed into MOS or KDX or combined.

- I'll repeat Robbie's words to you - you won't regret it no matter what you decide! I think it's time you met him. 😊 I will send you the link of his presentation, not the latest one, then the one he sent a year ago. Watch it as many times as you need to “set your dices“. Don’t forget what you asked me at the beginning is also very important - how do I know that this is not a scam? So now listen carefully to Robbie because you will find part of the answer there and then we can talk about everything in detail. Also I’ll just tell you, just to tickle your doubts 😊 95% of all crypto projects are pure fraud!

- Ok, I'm waiting for the link.. 

- Just to add that since then the wallet has been completed, i.e. Mosaic Wallet, and can be downloaded from Google Play and App Store. Here are the links:

A month ago, the Mosaic platform was completed... 

... and there is a "Dashboard" there for decentralized trading and exchange, for those who want to trade cryptocurrencies safely. It already works and the first professional traders are there. It’s based on the model of eToro (which is centralized). And finally we are waiting for Mosaic Block Chain and MOS to be on it, sometime in June 2024.

- It's a shame that you didn't call me earlier 😊 but I still have to say a huge thank you!!! I have a few more questions...

  - You're welcome, bro! 😊 I already know what you want to ask me because I also asked Robbie those questions so I already typed the answers and now I'll just copy and paste them. So, on what basis can I claim that this project is guaranteed to succeed? Based on a year of studying all things crypto I will talk about it in detail and you could hear some of what follows in Robbie's presentation. It's not out of place to repeat. So, what have I completed in the previous year?


  1. The crypto-anarchist movement is a libertarian movement that in the near future will destroy today's planetary (from "Plain Earth" 😊) monetary and slave-owning system in which you can only live if you have money. Crypto will change (and already partly has) the existing financial system and make the idea of money printing absurd. Crypto, with the help of blockchain technology, prevents the possibility of financial scheming and fraud. And what was important to me at the very beginning of the research is that crypto enables total privacy. Unlike today's banks where the state has control over your money, and as in the cases of Jezda and Dafina banks who went bankrupt that money can be taken away from you! Where you have to provide personal information, phone number, address, proof of income, number of shoes, etc. to open an account. Where you have to give a reason if you want to withdraw a large amount of money from your account and face the possibility that the withdrawal will not be approved. Where all your accounts will be blocked and you will be practically forced to leave the country if you tell the truth about vaccines! I could keep going..


In the crypto world nobody asks you for any of that and your investments will be absolutely safe in your crypto account which can only be accessed by the one who has the private key (12 randomly selected words arranged in the correct order) of that account. Where every financial action of yours will be completely public and recorded forever on the block chain but protected by a code that has never been broken by anyone, nor is it possible. There are countless other reasons to trust crypto. Can crypto be destroyed? It can only be destroyed by destroying the internet or completely blacking out the entire world. Otherwise it's impossible, even despite the false media coverage of the crypto market and numerous frauds within the movement itself where many gullible people lost their money.


There are good documentaries on Netfix about it. Of course, the human psyche is such that a person in some hopelessness gambles expecting a quick, big gain and crypto trading is an ideal place for the naive who don't know how to do it. If you know how, you will profit. Let me finish by telling you that the only thing in the complete crypto story that I'm not interested in is trading on crypto exchanges and I haven't devoted any of my time to that part of the story. Not even investing in Bitcoin (which is called digital gold) where I would have to invest a couple of years in order to master the skill of following the curve and everything that affects its curvature so that I can at least guess when, for example, the Bear market will start the Bull market. What are Bear and Bull? Forget about it, it's not important. It is important that the last two years, day by day the number of companies that accept crypto payment instead of cash increases!!!
2. Above you’ve seen slides of those curves of several cryptocurrencies. It's important to understand that without the help of those who have been doing this for years, trading cryptocurrencies is pure gambling.

For example those who have insider information and a great ability to understand how to react to the news that Biden's (or maybe Trump's, I can't remember right now) daughter publicly said that she invested a significant amount in crypto and her father the next day told the media that it was a bad move, which of course led to a super-fast change of curves in just 24 hours.


You see, that's why the guys from Novalus gathered such characters and created an exchange on their Mosaic platform with the slogan "Invest in crypto with zero effort" where you don't invest in currencies but in the knowledge and skills of experienced traders who trade for you. This way of trading is known in the crypto world and is called "Basket Trading". This is where you invest in "baskets" and each of them is managed by experienced traders. Where you will be able to see for each trader at any moment what success they achieved during a certain period and based on that you decide whether you will invest in the basket he manages or another run by another trader. It's a long story to go into all the details but I'll stop there.


  3. Who stands behind the company?

So there are five founders of the company but the main brains of the project are these two on the left - Peter and Attila. They have their own team of fifteen programmers and seventy-five Belgrade programmers from Bloxico participated in the realization of this project.

Who are Peter and Attila? They're crypto Geniuses! Both are programmers, and university professors, which you could see in Robbie's presentation, and here are some of the awards they received for this project recently in London, UK.

4. Let me further clarify those expressions.

The platform is therefore decentralized. What does that actually mean?

The bank is founded by a small group of them who make all the decisions. If they decide to close the company, you lose the money you had with them. It's already been seen so many times. Democracy is the cruelest agenda of the centralized world. Democracy also elects the president of the country...

There is no such thing in the decentralized world. "Power" belongs to everyone. How come? I will try to simplify it with the example of Novalus.

When the Mosaic blockchain and MOS are released in June '24, decentralization will be taken care of by VALIDATORS. Remember the story about what validators are? Computers that will record every transaction on that blockchain. The validator is therefore hardware. Novalus currently has around 330 validators all around the world. The more validators, the greater the security. However, equally important as validators are the so-called "Smart Contracts". Honestly, as soon as I hear the word smart something turns in my stomach. But what exactly are smart contracts? A smart contract is actually another name for a computer program. Now we also have software. Hardware without software is useless. And the most important thing.. A smart contract tells the computer what to do and how to do it. However, this contract will be previously posted on the blockchain, and once done no one will ever be able to change it. Not a single individual, group of people, government, FBI... no one ever.

When I send 5 MOS from my wallet to your wallet address sometime in the fall of 2024 and click "send" this will happen:

The smart contract recognizes both addresses, the "send" command, and knows exactly what to do simply because it is programmed that way. In a second they will remove 5 MOS from my wallet and the commission will be the lowest in the crypto world. Then they will send that action for "approval" through twenty randomly selected validators and within two minutes you will receive a message in your wallet that 5 MOS have arrived from my address and a message will arrive at the company's address that based on that transaction in the company's fund received, say 2% of that commission. That transaction will forever be recorded on the Mosaic blockchain. Here's what the latest KDX transactions look like, but this is on the Binance blockchain because until the activation of the Mosaic blockchain Kodexa was registered there. What you see on the screenshot can be viewed online at the link below.

Now there is a very good question - how do I know that the smart contract will do just that and that some part of that transaction will not end up in some private pocket? Or maybe all 5 MOS go to some other account? Or maybe take all the money out of my wallet? This is taken care of by the so-called "Open Source" open source code. Now what does that mean? This means that the Smart Contract (computer program) is actually written in open source code which again means that literally anyone will be able to check if it's real that those 5 MOS will actually end up in your wallet. Banks use less secure and simpler software so when you pay something online there is a possibility that you will lose money. True, it rarely happens, but hackers still manage to break into their source code, change it and redirect some money to themselves. Banks and therefore their clients, occasionally lose money in this way.

5. Trustless

It would best be translated as "no need to trust".

When you keep money in a bank you need trust in that bank that it will not go bankrupt, that the bank or the state will not block your account, that they have sufficient liquidity to pay you a larger amount if you need it at some point, etc.

When you buy a car you need to trust the manufacturer that after two years of use the cable will not break when you hit the brakes and both you and the Mercedes end up broken in a ditch.

When we vote, more precisely - when people vote in elections, they need confidence that their favorites will really keep their pre-election promises 😊

Why do people visit doctors? Because unfortunately, they trust them.

Wherever you turn in life, you need trust in someone or something.

Smart contracts, tested with open source code, placed on the blockchain, remove that need for trust! Everything works as it is written to work and nothing else. That's why this Novalus story is trustless, because it brings what so far no one else has or only partly has.

The number of people using block chain technology, especially what I wrote about, is still small, only around 420 million. The rest will at some point be caught off guard and unprepared for the changes which fortunately are inevitable and which will deprive us of this slavery in which we live today.

The finale of this whole story will actually be the transition from a centralized financial system dominated by big brother through banks and the creation of debts, to a decentralized financial system in which there are no banks and therefore no debts, and all thanks to blockchain technology. The crypto movement, therefore, is currently creating a parallel financial system which with the help of blockchain technology is totally inaccessible to big brother and will eventually become the only financial system made to the measure of a free man! The progress of technology is inevitable and obvious. No one can stop that. However, the misuse of technology is also evident. The crypto movement and the blockchain do not stop the progress of technology, but eliminate its abuse! Today, about 7,000 billion dollars are exchanged daily on Forex exchanges (gold, oil, currencies...). Crypto exchanges, which didn't exist until 13 years ago, are currently trading around 150 billion. However, the tendency of turnover on the crypto exchange in relation to Forex is getting bigger and bigger every day and it is the biggest problem of the big brother who, for this very reason, is trying hard to digitize money and thus prevent us from freely accessing it. It depends on us whether we will allow it and that is the biggest battle that is being fought today, which the vast majority is not yet aware of. So not money in the bank! Not money in gold! Not money in Forex! Not even money in your vault! Money either in a fertile piece of land or in Crypto Mosaic!!!


And more insider news. Instead of a wallet in your pocket which is easily lost, we will carry a cheap device whose sole purpose will be to send and receive money and show you a list of expenses, etc. When I say money I mean crypto money. Even if the device is lost the damage is only as much as the value of the device itself and it will be of absolutely no use to the finder. Until then, we will have to make do with smartphones, on which the same can be done through a secure wallet application.

If there are any questions, shoot 😊


- There is only one. How do I pay? 😊

If you also want to become an investor, click on one of the contact links below

How to pay for one of the packages? For this action, you need a foreign currency account from which you will transfer your euros to Binance. What is Binance? Binance is the largest and most trusted crypto exchange in the world. However, Binance also provides banking services, so it is necessary to open an account there, and the whole story is usually completed in one day, sometimes even in a few hours. Here are the links to open a Binance account: 

Since Binance is also a bank, you will need to prepare an ID card or passport, and you will also need a mobile number and an email address. Don't worry!!!... Binance is not run by bankers but crypto-anarchists! After all, when the time comes, you will have to monetize the investment you earned somewhere and somehow, and Binance is the right place for that. So, click on "Sign up" and follow the instructions. When you have completed your application and received confirmation that everything is ok, click on the yellow "Deposit" in the horizontal menu bar at the top of the page, then select "Bank Deposit" from the menu. Here's what will open (in Windows, and it's similar in the application): 

Enter the deposit amount and choose one of the offered ways to transfer money from your foreign currency account to Binance. The card is the fastest, and the fee is 1.8%. Important - if you opened an account on Binance in your name, then the bank card from which you send money to Binance must be in your name too. Otherwise, your deposit will be rejected. When the deposited amount, diminished by the amount of the fee, appears on your balance, then you say goodbye to your euros and you enter the crypto world by exchanging those euros for crypto dollars at the exchange, i.e. USDT i.e. Tether. At the top of the menu, select "Buy Crypto", and then in the currency exchange window, type in how many euros you want to exchange, and from the crypto menu, select USDT. Then continue and confirm. On the slide you can see how it looks in the example of exchanging €1,000 for USDT: 

Now your USDTs are in your Binance Fouding Wallet. Let's move them to your Novalus Office.
First, click on the avatar as shown below.

In falling menu click on Wallet and chose Wallet Overview. This below is what you get.

Next, click on Withdraw as shown above. Below is what you get.

Select coin to USDT  TetherUS. Then go to your Novalus Wallet, copy the address of your wallet, and paste it in the Address box, as shown below.

Now you click on Network and chose BSC  / BNB Smart Chain (BEP20), as on the slide below.
ATTENTION NOW: If you send your USDTs through any other network but BSC, your USDTs are lost forever!!!

Now set the amount to transfer and click Withdraw.

After that, you'll just have to confirm your transfer a couple of times and verify it with your email and your mobile phone. When this is done, Binance will send your transfer to validation through their validators. Once they finish (takes a few minutes) the transferred amount will be written in their blockchain and shown in your Novalus wallet.


JUNE 15th