Most Misspelled Words in Ham Radio

Misspelled words in Amateur Radio - Many hams do not use a spell checker while typing a document. Place a professional look on articles you write by spelling the words correctly. To use the following list, familiarize yourself with the words by reading it through. Try to place these commonly misspelled words in memory. While writing, one of them may appear misspelled. Come back to this page to verify. Make corrections to your text and get some respect.


absence – absense, absance

acceptable – acceptible 

accidentally/accidently – accidentaly 

accommodate – accomodate, acommodate

achieve – acheive

acknowledge – acknowlege, aknowledge

acquaintance – acquaintence, aquaintance

acquire – aquire, adquire 

acquit – aquit 

acreage – acrage, acerage

address – adress

adultery – adultary

advisable – adviseable, advizable

affect – effect

aggression – agression, aggresion

alcohol – alchohol

algorithm - algorythm

allege – alege, allage

allegiance – allegaince, allegience, alegiance

almost – allmost

a lot – alot (must be two words)

amateur – amatuer, amature 

amend – ammend

annually – anually, annualy

apparent – apparant, aparent 

arctic – artic

argument – arguement

atheist – athiest

average – avrage, averege

awful – awfull, aweful

balance – ballance, balence

basically – basicly

because – becuase

becoming – becomeing

beginning – begining

believe – beleive 

bellwether – bellweather

buoy/buoyant – bouy/bouyant

burglar – burgler

business – bisness, bussiness,

bizness, buisness


calendar – calender

camouflage – camoflage, camoflague

capitol – capital(both words exist, but are distinct)

career – carrer

careful – carefull

Caribbean – Carribean

category – catagory

caught – cauhgt, caugt

cemetery – cemetary, cematery

changeable – changable

chief – cheif

colleague – collaegue, collegue

collectible – collectable

column – colum 

comfortable - confortable

coming – comming

committed – commited, comitted

competition – compitition

concede – conceed

conceive - concieve

congratulate – congradulate

conscientious – consciencious 

conscious – concious, consious 

consensus – concensus

controversy – contraversy

convenience – conveniance

coolly – cooly

criticize – critecize, critisize

daiquiri – dacquiri, daquiri 

deceive – decieve

definite – definate, definit

definitely – definitly, definately, defiantly

desperate – desparate

difference – diffrence

dilemma – dilema

disappoint – disapoint

disastrous – disasterous

drunkenness – drunkeness 

dumbbell – dumbell 


embarrass – embarass

equipment – equiptment (wrong in numerous webpages)

exceed – excede 

exhilarate – exilerate 

existence – existance 

experience – experiance 

extreme – extreem

fascinating – facinating

fiery – firey 

fluorescent – flourescent

foreign – foriegn 

friend – freind

fulfil – fullfil (American: fulfill)

gauge – guage

grateful – gratefull, greatful

guarantee – garantee, garentee, garanty

guidance – guidence 

harass – harrass

height – heighth, heigth 

hierarchy – heirarchy 

hors d'oeuvres – hors derves, ordeurves

humorous – humerous 

hygiene – hygene, hygine, hiygeine, higeine, hygeine

hypocrisy/hypocrite – hipocrit


ignorance – ignorence 

imaginary – imaginery

imitate – immitate

imitation – immitation, imitashun

immediately – imediately

incidentally – incidently

independent – independant 

indispensable – indispensible 

inoculate – innoculate 

intelligence – inteligence, intelligance 

interesting – intresting



interruption – interuption

irrelevant – irrelevent

irritable – irritible

island – iland

its - it's (and vice versa)

jealous – jellous

jewelry (UK: jewellery) – jewelery 

judgment – judgement (issue in the U.S.)

kernel – kernal, distinct from homophone colonel


leisure – liesure 

liaison – liason

library – libary, liberry 

license – lisence (US always license, UK noun licence)

lightning – lightening 

maintenance – maintenence, maintainance, maintnance

medieval – medeval, medevil, mideval 

memento – momento 

millennium – millenium, milennium

miniature – miniture

minuscule – miniscule[dubious – discuss]

mischievous – mischievious, mischevous, mischevious (The spelling "mischievious" and the corresponding pronunciation are still considered non-standard despite being current and existing since at least the 16th century.)

misspell – mispell, misspel

necessary – neccessary, necessery

niece – neice

neighbor – nieghbor 

noticeable – noticable 

occasion – occassion

occasionally – occasionaly, occassionally 

occurrence – occurrance, occurence 

occurred – occured

omission – ommision, omision

original – orignal

outrageous – outragous


parliament – parliment

pastime – passtime, pasttime 

perceive – percieve

perseverance – perseverence 

personnel – personell, personel

plagiarize – plagerize

playwright – playright, playwrite

possession – posession, possesion

potatoes – potatos

precede – preceed 

presence – presance

principle – principal 

privilege – privelege, priviledge

professor – professer

promise – promiss 

pronunciation – pronounciation 

proof – prufe 

prophecy (as noun) – prophesy (valid as verb)

publicly – publically

quarantine – quarentine

queue – que (from Bar-B-Que)

questionnaire – questionaire, questionnair


readable – readible 

really – realy

receive – recieve

receipt – reciept 

recommend – recomend, reccommend

referred – refered 

reference – referance, refrence 

relevant – relevent, revelant

religious – religous, religius

repetition – repitition

restaurant – restarant, restaraunt 

rhyme – rime, ryme 

rhythm – rythm, rythem

secretary – secratary, secretery

seize – sieze

separate – seperate

sergeant – sargent 

similar – similer

skilful – skilfull (American: skillful)

speech – speach, speeche (archaic)

successful – succesful, successfull, sucessful

supersede - supercede 

surprise – suprise, surprize


their – there, they're 

tomatoes – tomatos

tomorrow – tommorrow

twelfth – twelth 

tyranny – tyrany 

underrate – underate

until – untill 

upholstery – upholstry

usable/useable – usible 

using – useing

usually – usualy

vacuum – vaccuum, vacume 

vegetarian – vegatarian

vehicle – vehical

vicious – visious

weather – wether 

weird – wierd

welfare – wellfare, welfair

whether – wether

wilful – wilfull (American: willful)

withhold – withold

writing – writting, writeing 

your - you're (and vice versa)