Space Weather

Current Propagation Conditions:

Images are current upon entry to this page. Refresh browser  to update images.


  NOAA Scales Activity

Range 1 (minor) to 5 (extreme)

 Past 24 Hours


Solar X-rays:


Geomagnetic Field:

The chart below is a 7 day plot centered on today showing past 3 days and next 3 days.

Many thanks to NOAA/SWPC professionals for creating these static images which can greatly aid the amateur radio service!!

Radio Outage Warnings Timeline (Click this text to go to warnings timeline webpage for more detail):

The chart below contains alerts issued in the past 7 days, ending with today.

Many thanks to NOAA/SWPC professionals for creating these static images which can greatly aid the amateur radio service!!

Radio Outage Warnings Timeline (Click this text to go to alerts timeline webpage for more detail):

NOAA Space Weather Scale for Radio Blackouts (Information):

Latest X-Ray Image

Monitor the Sun’s X-rays for the early detection of solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and other phenomena that impact the geospace environment.

Click This for link on how imager works

or Click This for the GOES Satellite Databook

Solar Wind Dials

Northern Auroral

This plot shows the current extent and position of the auroral oval in the northern hemisphere, from measurements taken during the most recent polar pass of the NOAA POES satellite.

The red arrow in the plot, that looks like a clock hand, points toward the noon meridian.

Planetary K Index

Kp-indices of 5 or greater indicate storm level geomagnetic activity and can produce effects to HF Radio, Satellite Comm, and the Electrical Power Grid.

The Sun with Force Lines

This image (AIA 304) is especially good at showing areas where cooler dense plumes of plasma (filaments and prominences) are located above the visible surface of the Sun. Many of these features either can't be seen or appear as dark lines in the other channels. The bright areas show places where the plasma has a high density.

The sun has a magnetic field which the solar wind can carry throughout the solar system. This is called the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF). Earth also has a magnetic field which forms a bubble around our planet. This is called the Magnetosphere. This bubble deflects the solar wind. Earth's magnetic field comes into contact with the sun's magnetic field in a place called the magnetopause.

The Earth's magnetic field points north. When the sun's magnetic field points south, also known as southward Bz, it may cancel Earth's magnetic field at point of contact. When the Bz is south the 2 fields link up. This basically opens up a door that may allow energy from the solar wind to reach Earth's atmosphere and lead to a geomagnetic storm.


 GOES X-ray Flux plot (5 minute data)

Large X-ray bursts cause short wave fades for HF propagation paths through the sunlit hemisphere.

The GOES Hp plot contains the 1-minute averaged parallel component of the magnetic field in nanoTeslas (nT), as measured at GOES-13 (W75) and GOES-15 (W89). The Hp component is perpendicular to the satellite orbit plane and Hp is essentially parallel to Earth's rotation axis. If these data drop to near zero, or less, when the satellite is on the dayside it may be due to a compression of Earth's magnetopause to within geosynchronous orbit, exposing satellites to negative and/or highly variable magnetic fields. On the nightside, a near zero, or less, value of the field indicates strong currents that are often associated with substorms and an intensification of currents in the Earth's geomagnetic tail.  Noon and midnight local time at the satellite are plotted as N and M. Default scaling is 0 to 200 nanoTesla. Non-default scaling to include infrequent extreme values is labeled in red to emphasize the change in scale.

Data courtesy: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / Space Environment Center 

NVIS Optimum HF Frequencies (foF2): Click Here For More Info

For communications within 300 kilometers - To use the map, locate the map for your location and click on it. The color (frequency) at your location is the optimum frequency for F2 layer NVIS communication. Updated at 40 minutes past the hour.

These maps are made from data gathered in real time around the world using HF ionospheric radar systems called ionosondes. Ionosondes bounce HF radio signals off the ionosphere to measure the height of the reflective zones and signal strength vs frequency. The maps are generated using the ionosonde data to make projections based upon a base station working a mobile.