D-STAR Round Table Net

Via D-STAR Radio: Thursday Night D-STAR Round Table Net. Join us on reflector XRF002A, XRF310A and XRF555A 7:00pm PDT weekly.

Live feed:

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Past Episodes - Podcast Playback

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D-STAR Round Table Forum

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This Forum is for the Thursday Night D-STAR Round Table Net held every Thursday at 1900 hrs Pacific, Friday 0200 UTC during US daylight savings time (summer) or 0300 UTC during US standard time (winter). Mike N6HKH is Net Control. Anyone can view Forum content and use the Shoutbox at the bottom. You must register to create and reply to threads. Please use your call sign to identify yourself.

D-STAR Round Table is on a constellation of XRF/XLX Reflectors. To participate, you may connect to any one of the linked Reflectors: XRF002A, XRF310A, XRF555A, XLX313A, DMR XLX313/TG 4001 OR connect to a repeater that is linked to one of the reflectors. 

To link: URCALL XRF002AL or 310A or 555A or 313A. Tutorial on reflectors, including linking: Reflection on Reflectors -- a guide to DSTAR reflectors | The W6KD Forum 

(You need to register to download pdf attachments)

XLX212 is now standalone for DMR only -- TG 4001-4026. 

Broadcastify feed of the Round Table is available at: http://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/23224 .... Podcasts: http://hamnetarchives.podbean.com 

Constellation Nets Listed Here