2013-11-07 Station Integration with DXLab by Ken Moak, KM8AM

Ken Moak, KM8AM gave an excellent and concise presentation on station integration with the DXLab Suite. DXLab is a free program designed by David Bernstein, AA6YQ, Wayland, MA. The DXLab Suite consists of eight free applications that can run individually. However, when run simultaneously the applications sense each other’s presence and interoperate automatically.

DXLab Suite is constructed with a modular software architecture consisting of the following applications: Commander, DXKeeper, DXView, Launcher, Pathfinder, PropView, SpotCollector, and WinWarbler. DXLab Launcher acts as the single point of control for Commander, DXKeeper, DXView, Pathfinder, PropView, SpotCollector, and WinWarbler.

Getting Started - download program from http://www.dxlabsuite.com/. Information and help at Wiki site and Yahoo Group

A demonstration highlighting spotting, transceiver control, and rotor control was performed.

A detailed slide presentation from the DXLabSuite author, David Bernstein, is at http://www.dxlabsuite.com/Presentations/DXLab%20Suite%202012-03-19.pdf