D-Star DCS

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DCS General Information

The abbreviation DCS stands for D igital C ommunication S ervices.

DCS001 Module A Linking Example

Example of connection and disconnection to DCS room DCS001 module A 

            UR: DCS001AL 

            RP1: W8HEQ  B 

            RP2: W8HEQ  G

            MY: Your FCC Call Sign

DTMF Code Linking

Alternatively, the DCS connection can be established via the DTMF code, which is very easy to execute in mobile operation. 

DTMF codes are generally processed only with "CQCQCQ" in UR: field and with the RPT1: and RPT2: configured for normal repeater communication. 

The DTMF code starts with the letter "D" , followed by the number of DCS (1 to 3 digits) and module letter code, 01 to 26.

Since there are only DTMF tones A,B,C, and D but DCS room modules range from A to Z, the modules are entered as  a 2-digit DTMF number. 

The 2-digit DTMF number corresponds to the position of the module in the letter alphabet (A = 01, B = 02, .. ., L = 12, ... Z = 26) as shown in the following table:

DCS001 English modules

Table of English language DCS001 modules and their linking via UR: or DTMF:

Xreflector.net page - Home of DCS

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DCS001 Dashboard; Groups and Status

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