D-Star adding ircDDB to an Icom repeater

There are two basic servers types available for D-Star radio users. Users are linked via TCP/IP utilizing "Gateway 2" (G2) software, available from Icom, as well as an Open Source gateway using the ircDDB-Network. This allows amateur radio operators to talk to any other amateur participating in a particular gateway "trust" environment. The current G2 master gateway in the United States is operated by the K5TIT group in Texas, who were the first to install a D-STAR repeater system in the U.S. The ircDDB-Network utilizes a Worldwide Trust System.

The ircDDB-Network is an amateur radio network for exchanging routing information. There are several amateur radio systems that are able to reach individual ham radio operators, due to the use of unique callsigns around the world. These systems need to be fed with the latest data where ham radio operators are reachable. For example, ICOM introduced the first radios with digital voice (D-Star) on the amateur radio market, which are capable of addressing QSO partners directly (call sign routing). The ircDDB-Network provides an alternate solution to distribute the essential routing information across its entire network.

The Icom D-Star Gateway version 2 (G2) package has two major portions:

Adding the ircDDB add-on or ircDDBGateway to Gateway 2 (G2):

Adding the ircDDB add-on to Icom G2 will not remove any functionality. Here’s what it adds:

Downside of adding the ircDDB add-on to Icom G2:

Upside of adding the G4KLX ircDDBgateway to Icom G2:

internet relay chat Distributed Data Base (ircDDB) connectivity diagram: